Nothing terribly exciting unfortunately, but I woke up (or was woken up by a message on my mobile... I don't remember hearing the message tone, but the first thing I do remember is having the phone in my hand and checking the Happy New Year message from Ma) with a teeny tiny hangover... and possibly a minor tooth issue, but that could have been more the hangover than my actual tooth... please, oh lordy please let it not be my tooth...
Stupid Vanilla Bliss (1 cup vodka, 2 cups lemon iced tea and 2 cups lemonade and like a teaspoon of vanilla, hence the name... although I couldn't really taste it) drink from the Coles Magazine... and stupid me for both making it and drinking the whole thing (although I made mine with three quarters of a cup of vodka, simply because that was all I had left)... it wasn't bad though... might be better with less vodka and maybe green iced tea instead of lemon (since I adore the green iced tea)...
I haven't had a hangover since god knows when... and this one was mostly because I broke my own cardinal rule... after drinking always consume large amounts of water... and let me tell you, going out of my walk this morning with a vague kind of semi hangover... not the most fun I've ever had...
And I actually managed to miss the whole midnight countdown thing on teevee... I'd watched Memoirs of a Geisha earlier, but I was in the midst of Brokeback Mountain when the big moment rolled around, and kinda missed it by a couple of minutes... whoops...
I did briefly have a smile and think of Tom (and his family) while I watched a little bit of the fireworks in Sydney (and then again on my walk when the radio mentioned a vast number of tourists that were at the fireworks) before I went back to Brokeback...
On the subject of Brokeback...
Every time those damn cowboy shirts appeared on screen at the end I got all weepy... I do stand by what I said yesterday though... Brokeback is a great movie, but it's not something you could watch over and over and over and over...
And I thought it when I saw the movie that first time (although I didn't mention it)... as beautiful and touching as that whole "you're asleep on your feet like a horse" scene is at the end... it's SO in the wrong place... it just throws me... I don't know why Ang didn't put it in as a flashback after Ennis finds the shirts... really tug on the old heartstrings... but to have it where it was... just doesn't work for me...
On a completely unrelated topic, I think the older I get, the more I'm possibly turning into my Nanna... which is just scary all on it's own... but there was all these little "rituals" or maybe superstitions or whatever that she would do on various occasions when I was growing up, and I've just absorbed some of them... and they all seem to be finding their way into my routines and, of course, I'm getting very particular about them...
There can't be any dirty dishes in the sink come midnight... and the rubbish bins should all be empty... everything should be away and tidy and appropriately shipshape... I also took down both of my old calendars around sunset, put the new ones up before I went to bed... and I also changed my sheets so that I could spend the first night of the New Year on clean sheets...
So that was my vaguely OCD themed New Years... what about the rest of you?
Current Mood:

Question....Vanilla Bliss. Where does the vanilla part come into it? Oh and Happy New Year.
Whoops... I knew I forgot something... :P
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