
random jaescott hotness

This week's Random Hotness came about by happy accident... I was actually looking to see if I could find any of the shots from my "The Boys" calendars, and while I found the photographer, Sylvie Blum, had a website, it seems like she mostly photographs female subjects... so no luck there...

So I was just tooling around with a couple of search engines, trying to find some of her male work, when I fell across a page from a bookshop or something, that happened to have a bunch of those slick "homothemed" coffee table photo books... and amongst them happened to be Raw Youth by Jay Diers... which looked interesting, so off on a tangent I went and started looking for more of Jay's work... and find it I did... not only a vast back catalogue of his stuff on deviantART, but also his blog...

What I like about Jay's work is that he's technically still an "amateur"... and I mean that in the best sense of the word... he hasn't found his style or his niche or his groove or whatever it is that a lot of the "homoerotic" photographers end up doing, where they just take the same kind of shots in the same kind of way, and although it's beautiful, you can usually identify their work right away... but Jay's not at that place, so he still experiments, takes chances, tries different things... which I like. And not all of his work is uber-polished... there's enough "rawness" (for want of a better term) still there that I can identify with him. But on the flip side, he's professional enough to have had a book made from his work (and another one on the way I think)... so I'm supremely jealous...

After I found his work on deviantART I went through almost all of it... took me forever, but it was worth it... but then, when I came to try and pick out just two for a Random Hotness post, I couldn't do it... so in the end I settled on doing a double post, using four images... but even then I had trouble getting it down from the eight or ten favourites to just four... I finally went with these four they're maybe not the widest selection of Jay's work, but they are amongst my favourites (at least under the "no full frontal nudity" heading)... clockwise from the top left... Farmer Jack 13, Undressing, Key Largo and Shorts...

farmer jack 13undressing
shortskey largo

Current Mood: mmmmmm hotness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the props guy!

Jay Diers