Actually, let me go back and explain that one before anyone gets a whole incorrect Pulp Fiction image in their head.
After yesterday's adventures my left hip was playing up a little during the evening, twinging a little when I stood or stepped a certain way... so obviously I overextended it yesterday with both my normal walk and then the added fun of traipsing around the Museum and Art Gallery. Either that or my body just doesn't like doing a lot of walking in my stylish red sandals... which is a shame, because I quite like them.
So yeah... if I'm walking normally and at speed I'm pretty much okay, but standing, turning, walking slowly, all that stuff, my hip complains. I swear, if my body was a second hand car you'd never be able to sell it... if it's not one thing falling apart and costing money then it's something breaking or seizing up or whatever...
Anyhow... Saturday Shopping Adventures™... Ma had her haircut scheduled this morning, so she was down here an hour later than normal, which didn't really mess us up that much (other than not finding a park as easily as usual, but we lived)... we did the food thing, then the Red Circle Boutique thing, where I found this really nice shirt and chinos combo for Stu's birthday dinner at the end of February, and a very cool canvas/leather reversible belt (but not just regular reversible... no, with this thing you pull the buckle away from the belt part a little and it rotates... very groovy), then swung past Cheap As Chips (since we needed to go to the pharmacy place near it). Letting Ma and I loose in that particular store is sometimes a little dangerous... we seem to always find something useful... cheap, not always necessary, but useful. For my part that turned out to be one of those puka shell necklaces (which I'm sure is probably plastic, but it will go nicely with the outfit for Stu's birthday), a big pair of scissors (since my old ones are crappy) and a Ganesha statue in the same vein as my six armed Buddha statue (same colouring and done by the same company I would imagine).
We decided on the way back to my place that we probably didn't really need to go off to anywhere else in a shopping sense, because we didn't really need anything... I think we've both been working on that whole Christmas shopping energy for a while... it's Saturday, must go shopping...
So after some of our patented indecision we decided to go back down the road and check up on this funky looking store we usually drive past on our way both to and from the supermarket (it was okay... some cute stuff, some very pricey stuff... I got some new incense cones) and then maybe go down to Semaphore and grab a late lunch.
We decided to go to the beach via Port Adelaide, and since the Seahorse Farm opens there the second week in February, we figured we could swing past where I was pretty sure that it was and check out the location (so we would know for next time). We did manage to find it eventually, but only because there was a sign out on the footpath... they obviously haven't gotten around to putting up any exterior signage yet. Then we got out and wandered about in the Port for a bit and ended up going to a pancake place for lunch... and we both had what basically amounted to breakfast meals... but still... it was nice, and something different.
And afterwards Ma forced me to take photos of the rigging of the One and All (okay, asked, even though I told her I was sure I'd already done it the last time I had been down there, and she'd been given those shots), since, in addition to the whole seahorse thing she also has a thing for ship rigging... she's an odd poppet sometimes...
Current Mood:

I have no idea what a "Cheap as Chips" store is but I'm intrigued.
The closest American equivalent I can think of is a nickle and dime store kind of vibe...
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