
free love, teeshirts, hunks and office supplies

free love 2007God... what a day of shopping...

We left my place at around 8 this morning and got back here finally around 4:30 or so... we did manage to get a lot done though...

Firstly the food shopping, which is never particularly interesting, so the less said about that the better... then, on the way back to my place we called into Officeworks... and I still can't decide if that was a big mistake or not... both Ma and I can shop for stationery until the cows come home... the cows, the pigs, the chickens, the horses, the farmer... the whole farm basically... and combine the whole "back to school" thing with the whole "cheap" thing... and we managed to spend more than enough money and time in there... possibly on things that neither of us really, truly needed...

Although I did get a cool mini Sharpie on a lanyard (not that I need a Sharpie on a lanyard really) and this set of too, too cute highlighter pens with little anime characters on them... one of which I'm sure is a cute little gay couple...

anime pens 2007See... look... could the two boys on the orange pen be any gayer (although Ma did try to tell me that the one in front was a girl... so not!)... awwwww... too cute... it's like an anime version of Eddy and Sam hehehe... well, if Sam grew like a goatee... and, I dunno, was standing on a box or something...

Anyway, too cute... my personal fave is the blue one though...

Oh and there were two other pens with girls on them, but... you know... girls... so.. yeah...

So after the shop-a-thon in Officeworks (and we've now declared that neither of us is allowed in an Officeworks store between January and March ever again) we went into town, mostly so that we could get my teeshirt from the nice lady at the Markets... we went, we saw, she had the teeshirt... I'd asked her to get it in an appropriate size that I figured would fit me, given the sizes of the tops that I've been wearing since Christmas... and the freaking thing was the size of a small circus tent! Seriously... it was HUGE... bigger possibly than the tops I was wearing this time last year... so I didn't get it, and the nice lady said that the purple haired girl had said that if I didn't want it due to the sizing then she was going to use it as a nightie... so now I just have to wander down to the teeshirt printing place in town and work out which is the right actual size for me... then let the nice lady know... *sigh*

Why are these things never simple?

Next we hit Borders very briefly and I picked up a cheap "Hunk A Day" desk calendar (which I'm still not sure where to put), which is a little cute, and a little tacky... and might make an appearance as some sort of Random Hotness montage thing at some point (since I essentially have about 310 guys to choose from... the weekends get one guy for two days)... some of the ones I've seen so far are a bit generic for my tastes, but it'll be amusing...

So after hitting a couple of Christian book stores so that Ma could try and find this particular book for her best friend (although to be honest we hit non-Christian book stores too), and I tried not to actually touch anything in said stores just in case, you know, I burst into flames or anything... we headed off to West Lakes... the wisdom of said decision I'm still not sure about...

Although I did get the "Free Love" pendant (yeah, that's me wearing it in the photo... along with the last of my new tops from Christmas) at Kmart (of all places)... and it was on special (woohoo)... I am kind of wondering if I could disassemble it and remove the "love" portion... but overall I quite like it since there's a fair amount of weight to it (and it was under $5, so you can't really argue with that)...

We also got Ma a nice new pair of sunglasses... which actually ended up costing more than about all her sunglasses ever added up (or mine either possibly)... okay, maybe not... but from a woman who intentionally buys really, really, really cheap sunglasses, laying down $50 is saying something. They're nice though... and polarised like mine.

Other than that we kind of wandered about aimlessly a bit... halfheartedly looking for a mini tripod for my digital camera (not the really, really little ones, but something small enough that I can throw it in my backpack, but large enough that I can have the camera at a reasonable height)... but they were all around the same price, and we were mostly looking for a bargain of some sort.

I also scored some moisturiser from The Body Shop... and although I specifically went back to the store where they gave me such good service last time... they didn't have the Face Scrub I wanted... so I was less happy about that.

And for the most part we managed not to get rained on (well, a little tiny bit when we were leaving West Lakes, but not much)...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

I'd have said that was a girl too... sorry :P Even the blue one is questionable!

yani said...

You obviously know NOTHING about anime... :P

Trust me, if they WERE girls the eyes would be at least double the size and almost totally round instead of almond shaped (and if I'd taken a shot of all five pens you could see the difference)...

They're boys... 100% :)

Tom said...

Point taken... don't know huge amounts about girls either! ;)

Sunshine said...

Awww - those highlighters are so cute!! You also made me giggle at that comment about Sam standing on a box *teehee*. I'll have to steal this for my blog. :P