
sims are evil...

evil little pixelsI'm totally blaming you for this Larry... yup... all your fault... not my fault at all... nooooooo... all you... not me...

After seeing yet another of Larry's Sims inspired posts on Saturday, as I mentioned, and the fact that I was at a loose end... I decided to dig out my copy of the original Sims and see if I could install it on my wondrous external hard drive...

Turns out I could (although whether it's a good plan or not I'm not sure... it may be a bit on the slow side)...

I remember now why, in addition to the fact that I was running out of disk space, I was happy enough to uninstall the The Sims from my computer.

The freakin thing is addictive!

And since I have an addictive personality in all things... and the fact that it's really, really, really easy to make time disappear (both in and out of the game) while you're playing it... I say again... Sims are evil...

Plus, with the items and decorations that come with the game, there's only a finite number of combinations of things I'm willing to make... I won't do fugly interior design (for the most part anyway)... I just won't...

I would show off more of my design handiwork (although I did kind of design the outfits on the two in the picture... well... recolour and accessorise them really), but I just demolished the whole neighbourhood because it was bugging me (especially because I couldn't get these two to actually meet in the previous game I was playing, and the dark outfitted one was all sulky because he had no social life)... so I have to start the whole thing again from scratch... but that's okay, because I've got the "nudity patch", the "free money" cheat and the "move immovable objects" cheat... I'm all set...

What I don't have are the several hours of my life I spent playing it yesterday...

I'm just glad my computer isn't up to speed enough to be able to play Sims 2... what with the breeding and the improved graphics and the whatnot... that would be bad...

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Anonymous said...

The thing that keeps me from spending hours playing the game is that I suck at it.

Tom said...

I always preferred SimCity to the Sims. Controlling whole cities appealed more than just a few people. Not sure why!

Ben said...

I loved the Sims, but I would always get bogged down in importing new objects and wallpapers and stuff until eventually I'd get a buggy object which crashes the whole thing.

Other than that my favourite part was designing a whole family of eight men walking around in only speedos or boardshorts and then only supply four queen-size beds. Once you hook them up into couples you see the explosives go off when they choose to sleep with one of the other men.

It's like a big gay soap opera ... and they're all HOT!

Was that a little pathetic, or what?

P.S. my verification word is "ofuck" ... LOL

Janek said...

I loved The Sims, I played it for ages and ages, until my old laptop decided it was too good to recognise the CD anymore. Plus, all those expansion packs kinda ruined it after a while.

Then I got Sims 2, which my old laptop wasn't fast enough to run. Needless to say, I now have a NEW laptop, which does run it, and, it might just be me, but I think I preferred the original. It was just a simpler game, plus it had that uber-cool house cleaning robot!

Anonymous said...

Nudity patch? Are they anatomically correct? (and hung?)

yani said...

Tony: When I can be bothered I'm usually pretty good... otherwise, I get bored with it pretty easily... lol...

Tom: I actually had Sim City way back in the dark ages on the original SuperNES... and I have to say, that bored me much more than The Sims... hehehe... I'm sure later versions were much better, but the original did get kind of repetitive after a while.

Ozboi: Pathetic... noooo... Trust me, I ONLY ever design gay couples (with one or two exceptions... like maybe one straight couple, a lesbian couple and a gay threesome)... I don't know if my nerves could stand the whole "eight people in one house" thing, but I might have to try it... And yes, I try and only make pretty Sims, and I have had them wandering around in not very much also...

John: Since I may well base my next computer purchase on it's ability to run Sims 2, I'm in no position to throw stones... ;) And yes, I'm using that House Cleaning Robot a lot at present...

Peter: Sadly they are pretty much Ken dolls... but that's only because I can't find a properly anatomically correct skin... and I have looked...

Ben said...

I did find an "anatomically correct" sim model once (have to update the whole model, not just the skin). Sadly, but hilariously, all the guys (even the clothed ones) were walking around with erections schwinging out of their flys afterwards. A great laugh for about five minutes as you watch them crawl into the "love bed" or stand very close to the barbeque.

Another of my favourite things to do in the sims was to cover the floor in mats and remove the doors to the house when everybody was inside. Give them a fireworks launcher and enjoy the fun!!!! Alternatively you can get them all in the pool and remove the ladder -- silly buggers will swim around until the starve to death despite the fact that they're just in a pool.