Other things I just kind of make up as I go along of course, but for the most part, I'm predictable...
Even more so when it comes to my blog I guess... especially because I made a commitment to myself to make an entry at least once a day, and, to be honest, there isn't that much stuff going on in my life for the most part, so I have to fill in the space somehow...
For the most part it's good... it means that I mostly know what I'm doing and posting... otherwise I might never actually post anything... at least this way something is happening... it may not always be important or deep or meaningful... but it's there...
And when you look at the usual breakdown of my blogging week, there's only really a couple of places where I have to "make something up"... and I have been known to hold posts over, or choose to do certain things on certain days so that I will have something to fill in that gap (mostly the cooking stuff, but not always)...
So, for the most part, my blogging week looks like this...
Monday - Montage Monday
Tuesday - movie review one week, then freeform blogging the next (although in the past the alternate week was Camera Club)
Wednesday - freeform blogging
Thursday - Random Hotness
Friday - Photo Friday
Saturday & Sunday - random quizzes and more freeform blogging
Granted, it was only really Monday, Thursday and Friday that were ever really set in any kind of stone... Tuesdays sometimes didn't happen, or happened on days other than Tuesdays... the whole weekend is generally pretty fluid, but I always manage to fill it up somehow...
But having had a couple of weeks off from the whole Monday Montage thing, due to Christmas and New Years both falling on a Monday this time around... add that to unhelpful weather conditions giving me no great desire to take photos and it started me thinking...
And as anyone who's been reading my blog for any length of time will know, there's nothing worse than when I get to thinking...
I haven't come to any grand decisions... but I guess, with it being a new year and all, I just want to reassess things... maybe try something new... I was also thinking that it might be better if I was more particular about my Montages... I don't want to do them just for the sake of doing them (I've done that a couple of times, and they haven't always been my best work... especially of late)... I want there to be a point... or something worth looking at...
Random Hotness isn't going anywhere... and I don't think Photo Friday will either, but I think there might be some shifting around of stuff on the weekends and Monday... instead of the long and sometimes slightly questionable, but very random posts on a Monday, maybe I'll start blogging stuff as it happens on weekends... I dunno...
Maybe it's all to do with that Changes thing I was talking about last year... if I change the details, the big picture will take care of itself...
Current Mood:

Try not to think of this as a place to only display your best work though, as that is what a folio website is for. I like seeing your montages and even if they're not your best you can at least bitch about it and promise to do better next time.
As for trying to spice things up a bit it's not really that important. Sure, you want to make things interesting for your readership, but blogging at the grass-roots level is for you to express yourself however you see fit. If staying the same works for you then do it, but if you're finding yourself getting bored with it then making a change is good too.
I guess my point is: don't worry about us, whatever floats your boat :)
You've done an awful lot better than I have at the regular posts on certain days thing!
Don't forget that a lot of what blogging is about is for the blogger not the readers... (although if those Monday montages go down to 2x2 rather than 4x4 or 5x5 we'll feel distinctly short-changed!) :P
A question though - is the random hotness truly random if it's regularly on the same day!?!? LOL!
Thanks boys... I know what you're both saying and I agree... like Ozboi said I think it's more that I'm bored with parts of the routine myself than anything else...
And don't worry Tom, the montage will never go below 3x3... oh, and it's the Hotness that is Random, not the day it appears ;)
How have you progressed with the dental problems? I hope you are feeling better. Several years ago I had lots of dentistry but finally it got better and it's been better since then. Thank God for drugs! Painkillers, I mean. Be well.
Keep up the good work blogging. You are a good read.
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