I had my head stuck in one of those this morning... not exactly like that one... the one I was in I was actually facing into the machine... but it was still damn annoying...
Stand here, put your feel together, extend your neck, hold these handles, place your teeth on the sterile mouth piece, let me just adjust this head clamp, now the machine is going to spin around for about 14 seconds...
It was like being a freakin extra in a Star Trek episode... only less fun and without facial appliances...
But I'm getting ahead of myself...
My toothache actually subsided on Saturday night, and it's been mostly okay since then... but come Monday morning I still called both my dentist to make an appointment, and the dental imaging place to make an appointment for the OPG I was actually supposed to have last year... which sounds odd when you say it like that...
I probably could have gotten everything out of the way today, but, to be honest, I couldn't be bothered scheduling it all on the same day, so I made the OPG appointment for this morning and the dentist appointment for tomorrow... and, of course, because nothing in my life is ever simple, I got a letter some time over the Christmas season telling me that my nice lady dentist was leaving to "accept a position which better fulfils her professional ambitions and her projected lifestyle"... which seems to me to be code for either "she quit" or "we fired her"... which is very annoying, even though I'd only been to see her twice, she was nice... and, for whatever reason (I'm possibly chalking it up to the whole gayboy thing), I have a preference for female healthcare professionals... but the seem to be all out of female dentists now... so I'm going to go to the new guy, who, according to the letter I got, has all sorts of bells and whistles in his bag of tricks...
What I found most interesting about the letter though was the fact that they're about to start renovations again... which I find a little odd... because the last time they were doing renovations was the last time I was going there quite a bit... and I've always said that I single handedly funded the last set of renovations... I'm sure it's not true... but I just find the coincidence amusing... or maybe disturbing... I'm not sure which to be honest...
I'm also kind of preparing myself for some kind of battle with the nice new dentist, because one of the girlies called this afternoon to check if I'd gotten the OPG done, and when I said I'd had it done that morning and it would be ready tomorrow afternoon, she said something about them getting hold of it beforehand because "they wanted it for tomorrow"... which is interesting, because the tooth that's giving me issues... nowhere near the teeth that I had the OPG for (my wisdom teeth)... so unless he just wanted to not have to bother to take another xray tomorrow since he has this brand new one today, I don't know.
Given his background (again, according to the letter) he may be going to have a little chat with me about the removal of the wisdom teeth, but he's going to meet the same answer that the nice lady dentist did... I can't afford it right at this moment...
Roll on tomorrow... the sooner this is over with, the better...
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Good luck with the new dentist! That machine looks pretty hi-tech!
Yep, good luck. I reckon toothache is probably one of the worst pains of all. :S *big cyber hug*
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