From what I can tell from various xrays and discussions and things, I only have 3 wisdom teeth... the two at the bottom, and this little itty bitty one on the top row, that, to be honest, looks just a little bit phallic...
Which makes 31 teeth... I also had one removed when I was a kid, from memory because it would have crowded out my other teeth... so that's 30... then there was the one I had removed last year... that makes 29... and yes, the tooth that was giving me all the drama on the weekend... that's gone too... which makes 28...
Turns out the new dentist guy isn't too bad... he's actually quite nice, you know, for a dentist... a little bit funny and sweet... but not hot... but then, really, who wants a hot dentist...
When I first got there, as I suspected, we went through the OPG from yesterday and discussed what he thinks we should do (which includes removal of all three wisdom teeth as well as the possible addition of a fake tooth drilled right into my jawline with a bigass titanium screw to the tune of $3000... you can imagine how thrilled about that I was) before we got down to the main event...
I told him the whole story of Saturday's rather painful adventures, to which he decided he wanted to test out the condition of the tooth rather than just diving in and filling it... well, after some tapping and the application of something supposedly very cold to the side of the tooth, I thought that perhaps it wasn't too bad... alas, I was wrong, because the very cold thing, the one that I didn't feel... I was actually supposed to feel it... hence the nerve wasn't in good stead... and I could either have gone for the root canal or just yanked the tooth...
Now I've done root canals and I've had teeth yanked... and one is long and painful and expensive... the other leaves you with an extra gap in your mouth... but it's cheap(er) and quick...
Cheap and quick wins again...
I am, however, starting to feel just the littlest bit like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel... every time I go to the dentist of late I seem to walk out with one less tooth than I had when I went in... and I still need to have three more pulled...
And then, after I'd originally written this (and, to be honest, I'm not sure which version was better... the original off the cuff version, or this version where I'm trying to remember what witty and wonderful things I said the first time around, but cutting out some of the less important things), which took more or less an hour... I went to publish it and got this whole "an error has occurred" message from Blogger... and it just ate my post... so very not happy...
At least this time around I don't have to contend with the infection on top of the whole tooth extraction thing... and they gave me less Novocain, so my face doesn't feel like it's melting off... and it seems to be wearing off nicely... I can mostly feel all of my top lip again... I'm just hoping that there isn't that much soreness that creeps in after the Novocain wears off... I might take a couple of Nurofen now to ward off any possible pain...
Oh and I will say this for New Dentist Guy though... I think that this is quite possibly the first time ever in the history of the universe that a dentist has given me the local shots and it hasn't hurt... not even when he shot it right into the roof of my mouth (and I'm suddenly realising that taken out of context that sounds dirty)... I could feel the pressure of the needle, but no pain... so big point for New Dentist Guy...
But I think I'm going to go back into the other room, stretch out on the couch, watch some more Firefly and generally feel sorry for myself...
Current Mood:

Glad it went OK. I too only have 28 teeth. I had four out as a child as they were overcrowded.
LOL - I only have 28 as well - they cut out the 4 wisdom teeth, which probably accounts for why I'm lacking wisdom these days. :P
I can top that - I have only got 24 teeth!
I had seven teeth removed - three wisdom and four 12-year old molars (which still had not come through by the time I was 17)
And btw - if you are having your wisdom teeth removed do not ask too many questions. You do not want to know what about the instruments and techniques they use to extract the teeth!!!
You should do what I do and select the whole post in the edit box and copy it to the clipboard before hitting the Publish button ... save rewriting the whole thing.
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