
photo friday: beach fish

beach fish 2006Oh my god... I hate this weather sooooo much... it... it... it... flames... flames on the side of my face... breathing... heaving breathes...

Sorry... channeling Mrs White from Clue for a second there... one of my favourite lines from one of my favourite movies by the way...

This is what feels like the several hundredth day of hot, horrible weather... although, in actual fact it's probably only the fourth or fifth day... and I'm soooo over it... course it's been raining a little today, so now it's hot AND humid... double fun...

You know, I haven't really photographed much of anything yet this year... I know we're only at like day five of the new year... but still... mostly because the weather has been so awful and I just haven't had the energy or the wherewithal to be bothered...

From memory, this shot is actually from waaaaaay back in March... during my Pre-Birthday Adventures I think... down at Glenelg...

Oh to be a fish during weather like this... you could just go and find a cool bit of water to hang out in...

Current Mood:


Sunshine said...

Hmm ... strange - it's been pretty cool here and we're closer to the equator...

Anonymous said...

I love that line. Once, on a particularly bad day at work, I downloaded an audio clip of it and played it over and over for a good 15 minutes. Relieved the tension with smiles.