
happy new year 2006

happy 2006 (hamish, girl, david, girl and adam)Photo from the front page of yesterday's Advertiser

Happy New Year Everyone!

And how did I ring in the New Year? With an evening of Little Shop of Horrors followed by 28 Days Later (which now means I have an even bigger crush on Cillian Murphy than I did after Batman Begins.... mmmm naked Cillian) and a glass of Coopers Pale Ale mixed with Sprite and Bickford's Lime!

I paused the movie just before midnight and let the talentless wonders on teevee count me down to midnight, but unlike last year, when the moment came I didn't hear the fireworks in town (like I did last year), or anything really... there was a car that drove past my place just on midnight, and I couldn't help thinking that was a crappy place to be at the stroke of midnight. Then I finished my glass of beer and went back to British rage zombies...

Current Mood: happy new year

1 comment:

no more said...

I'd love to watch "28 days later" again because I don't remember it the first time. Some stranger in the theater insisted on sitting by me. His goal: to pick me up. The idea originated from his teenage son sitting 3 seats over with his girlfriend. It was the most akward 2 hours of my life, where one minute zombies are chewing someones face off and he'll lean over saying "you have beautiful eyes"
