You scrape the bottom of the barrel...
This was how we wound up at Chicken Little tonight.
I kind of expected it to pretty much suck... and it did exceed my expectations, it didn't suck anywhere near as much as I thought it was going to.
But if this was supposed to be Disney's big foray into CG Animation, Pixar have NOTHING to worry about... the CG was pretty good throughout (even if they did get a little lazy with certain background characters and just repeat multiple versions), but the story... well, what there was of it... was pretty much all over the place, and very, very light on... when it wasn't trying to be overly sappy.
Thankfully at only 81 minutes you don't really get a chance to be that worried that its all fluff.
I'm kinda sweet on Zach Braff anyway, and his voice as Chicken Little was just right, that real geeky edge he has... but seriously, the star of the show was Fish Out of Water (the "voice" of whom was performed by one of the editors vocalising through a tube into a water cooler tank full of water)... he stole just about every scene he was in, and was very, very similar to South Park's Kenny (who happens to be my favourite character in that show too)... they're both orange, they both have their heads covered in things that makes it impossible to understand them, they can both be understood by other characters but not the audience, they're both pretty much ahead of the rest of the characters and they're both slightly cocky. The scene in the school gymnasium where Fish gets bored and starts doing origami just cracked me up.
All in all though, it's as light on laughs as it is on story. Most of the good stuff was included in the trailer, so I'd already seen all those jokes way too many times. The last five minutes or so was probably the funniest part of the movie (Fish and his origami notwithstanding).
yani's rating: 1 falling acorn out of 5
did ya know I designed the website? :P
If you like Zach Braff you absolutely must see "Broken Hearts Club", if you haven't already. A young Zach Braff as a gym bunny gay boy.
electro, I did not know that... I had a brief look at it this morning, and it doesn't look too shabby (I just get annoyed by all Flash movie sites that take forever to load)...
Andrew, I read your comment and I went... "naaaaah... really?", then went in the loungeroom to get my copy of the video, thinking he just had a small part, but no, there he is on the front of the video cover with godawful bleached hair... looks like I'll have to watch this again after all...
He's so cute in it as Benji! He had me at "Amen girlfriend!".
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