

fourI got bitchslapped... err... tagged by The Other Andrew to do the "Four" meme...

Four jobs you've had in your life:

  • Online Support Officer at Department of Education & Children's Services
  • Assistant Finance Officer for the Department of Human Services
  • Support Consultant for a recruitment company
  • Word Processing at a business college
Four movies you could watch over and over:

(It doesn't mean that any of them are among my favourite movies, although Clue actually is, but that I can watch them over and over... occasionally while doing things like washing the dishes or cooking)

Four places you've lived:

(I've only ever lived in five houses, all in South Australia, and the suburbs repeat so...)
  • Elizabeth Vale
  • North Adelaide
  • Golden Grove
  • North Adelaide
Four TV shows you love to watch:
Four places you've been on holiday:
  • My house (does that count?)
  • Melbourne
  • Aldinga (beachside suburb to the south of Adelaide)
  • And Melbourne again
Four websites you visit daily:
Four of your favorite foods:
  • Turkish bread
  • Lamb Rogan Josh
  • Chicken (breast in general)
  • Rocky Road
Four places you'd rather be:
  • Somewhere with airconditioning
    (I'm looking at a week of 30C-plus temperatures with no aircon)
  • Working
  • New York
  • London
Four Play:

I tag... actually I tag nobody... for one, when I get tagged by either Andrew or Eddy, whoever tagged me has already tagged the other one, and since they're two of the people I know will pretty much always do a meme it makes my list harder... so I'm not tagging anyone... so ner! But if you want to do the meme, go for it.

Current Mood: noncommittal

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