
montage monday: red

red 2005It's weird, the way things work out sometimes...

Yesterday I did that long rambly post about the Mean Reds, which only really got that title because the line from Breakfast at Tiffany's popped into my head part way through...

Then this morning I realised I had to get the final shot for my Monday Montage... and it was only then that I actually realised that my montage theme was red... honestly... I did most of the montage at the end of last week (and would have finished it on Friday if the battery in my camera hadn't run out of juice part way through my walk), and never connected it with the post when I was writing it yesterday.

Technically it's a red montage, but it kind of ended up being red with a minor in white and black because they tend to show up together a lot on signs and things.

Current Mood: i'm okay

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

I like this. I think it'd look unreal on a canvas on a wall. :)