Course, if I could get a photo I was happy with, you all could SEE my new hair... but I can't... so you'll just have to take my word for the fact that it's cute again...
My appointment was 9:15am, but since I didn't sleep too well last night, I was up at 6:30am, so got to potter around for a couple of hours (and be driven nuts by Blogroller and various blogs around the place that seemed to have lost several days worth of updates... not sure what all that's about... but if you've found that too, lemme know... EDIT: Jared at Completely Naked filled me, and all his other readers, in on that one... looks like all the Typepad blogs got pushed back to Dec 9th... just another reason the Typepad format annoys me then...).
Anyway, I left the house around 8:30am, thinking I would have time to grab a carpark, grab some breakfast in town, and then make it to my appointment on time.
I was on my way up to the carpark at Myer (the same one that was full on Thursday), and realised that the side road that leads up to it was full of empty spaces, so I figured I could park there and it would probably be cheaper, especially since I was having a colour done, and I knew that would take ages.
So I park, get out of the car, and go to the ticket machine thing. Skimming the instructions, I see that it's $4.80 for three hours, which, for a city parking spot, isn't too bad. I put a dollar coin in and the machine flashed up "Overpayment", so I'm thinking, great, the machine doesn't kick in until 9am, I'm screwed... then I kept reading the instructions on the machine. Monday to Friday, $4.80 for three hours... Saturday and Sunday, 20c for three hours... I had to read it about three times. Twenty cents... for three hours... twenty cents... three hours... are you serious?
Of course, I didn't have anything smaller than $1 on me, so I kind of stood there on the pavement, feeling like a bit of a tool, then realised that a car had pulled up next to me, and there were two women in it. Surely one of them would have change for a dollar. Eventually the passenger got out, and I did my best "Sorry to bother you, but..." explaining about the ticket machine, etc. Her reaction was much the same as mine... "Twenty cents?". I went over and showed her the machine, and asked if she had change (she actually had a handful of change). She popped one 20c piece in, and took a ticket for herself, then put another one in for me. I offered her my dollar afterwards, but she just waved it away.
BARGIN! Not only was the carpark only 20c, but I didn't even have to pay it. Thank you, Random Lady! You rock!
Then when I was going back to my car, the other woman (Random Lady's daughter, I think) went to offer me 20c... awwww... so nice! Granted, I probably would have done the same thing in her position (at least I like to think I would have).
Anyway... grabbed some breakfast and an Iced Coffee (I can't help it... it's a total weakness, and also the best Iced Coffee on the planet!) before going off to lurk around outside my hairdressers, waiting for it to open at 9am, looking vaguely shifty... okay, maybe not.
Fortunately my hairgirly, Tink, was the one to open up (complete with new Tinkerbell-eske short blonde pixie hair), so I was the first one through the door. Tink said she'd been thinking about what we should do as my colour since I was last in, and she had a plan (I love that she'd been thinking about it).... and since I knew that she knew what I wanted, I was happy to let her go for it... it ended up being half 9A half 510, half 6% and half 9%... which I know adds up to four halves, but that's what she wrote down for me (so I could put it in my "diary" hehehe).
Its nowhere near as brassy as the last colour I had, but it's nice and light, and we actually did some "reverse streaks" in it, just to add some texture in the colour... basically, ten minutes in, Tink stripped the colour stuff off a bunch of areas, meaning it stopped lightening. Not sure how well it worked, but it seems to have some variation through it. I like it, anyway.
After I was done, I called Ma, because we were going shopping... again... the last time before Christmas... and while we didn't succeed in getting too many things, we DID get the ingredients for me to make homemade Rocky Road for Christmas.
Over 700 grams of Turkish Delight, two packets of marshmallows, two packets of raw pistachios, two packets of milk chocolate melts and one packet of dark chocolate melts... in theory that's going to be one hell of a lot of Rocky Road... and it probably would have been easier to just buy it, but I enjoyed making it last time, so, what the hell. Plus we'll be able to give some away, since Ma isn't going to be making her usual barrage of Christmas goodies this year.
When I do make it, I'll post my (fairly basic and made up) recipe.... which, of course, you can make with less quantities...
Looking back at what I just wrote, I realised that I am just physically unable to tell the short version of a story... oh well... at least it's never boring... at least I hope not...
Current Mood:

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