
big gay santa

Top 10 Reasons Why We Know Santa is a Gay Man
  1. big gay santaDid you ever know a straight man named Nicholas? (Oh, straight society has tried to butch up his image by calling him St. Nick, but we know better.)
  2. Yes, there is a Mrs. Claus. But, despite being married for eons, and Santa home with her 364 nights a year, have you ever heard anyone speak of any children? She's portrayed as fat and contented. Can you say "fag hag"?
  3. Chooses graceful and beautiful reindeer as his means of transportation, rather than a masculine animal such as horses or oxen. (And those names he gave the reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen?? Get real!)
  4. That long over-night flight around the world taps into the flight attendant gene.
  5. Ho-Ho / Homo. A little too similar if you ask me.
  6. Preoccupied with toys, toys, TOYS!
  7. Gay men have long been using stockings to hide their candy.
  8. Physically he's a wet dream for the Girth and Mirth club and the perfect poster model for Bear Poster Child!
  9. Red velvet, fur collar, black engineer boots. Think, people!
  10. Look at the size of the bag he packs for a one-night trip!
Current Mood: impatient and excited

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