
unexpected wednesday

Nothing makes you do a panicked turbo-clean like having the landlord show up on your doorstep with a guy who's doing a valuation on the building...

*heart palpitations*

Fortunately, my place is roughly the size of a large wardrobe, so while it doesn't take long to mess it up, it also doesn't take long to tidy it...

And after all that, the valuation guy left before he came and saw my place... *mutter*

It did mean I could get my landlord to go do some work and restart my hotwater which died towards the end of my shower this morning (and it's a new system, the old one died during winter and he eventually replaced it... so I don't know what it's problem is)... make the bastard earn his rent money *maniacal cackling*

Changing tack slightly... remember at the end of November how I was freaking out because I'd sent my resume off to a bunch of agencies... and then how I sulked when none of them called me...

Well, I finally got a call from one of them this morning... and I'm off to do that whole testing and quasi interview thing that, as I said before, I can pretty much do standing on my head...

It's also handy because OPSM rang me yesterday to say that my (Versace) glasses are ready... SCORE! They said it would be about a week... so to have them ready in three days is pretty cool.

Talk about stuff coming outta nowhere...

Current Mood: post-panic daze

1 comment:

jjd said...

good luck with the job testing thingy.

I'd like to be good with viktor crum too! yumma.