
the holiday ten

well hungThis one was lifted from LargeTony... who "stole it like a pool boy’s virginity (18 plus, of course)" from Wonderboy.

Instructions: Copy and paste the questions to your blog (with your answers, not mine, obviously).

One. What is your favorite holiday movie?

When I was a kid it was those Rankin Bass stopmotion movies, like Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer and Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town... what can I say... I was a cheesy kid.

These days I prefer things like The Nightmare Before Christmas or Olive, the Other Reindeer (which is still a little cheesy, but cute).

Two. What is your favorite holiday song (title and artist)?

Probably a toss up between Oh Christmas Tree and The Twelve Days of Christmas, both from a Disney Christmas album which I got when I was a kid (it had Mickey and Donald and the gang as well as a couple of actual singers), but we still listen to every Christmas, at least as we put the tree up. Although I am becoming quite partial to Jesse McCartney's version of Winter Wonderland on the very campy Radio Disney Jingle Jams cd.

Addendum: Okay, as of 4 December, I am currently in love the with song Carol of the Bells from A Disney Christmas (not the same one I was referring to above)... the CD doesn't tell me who sings it, but it's one of those choral songs, no music just voices, but it's so beautiful... I ended up bringing the CD home so I could rip the song off it.

Three. What’s the best holiday gift you were ever given, and why?

Hmmmm... that's interesting... I can think of other "best" gifts... birthdays, and leaving work presents and things... but not Christmas.

I think it actually has to be a tie between the set of 72 Derwent Artist coloured pencils my Nanna gave me when I was about 14 (she held off giving them to me until late in the afternoon, but kept hinting about another "special" present she had for me... when I finally opened it and it was "only" coloured pencils, I was a bit cranky... but I love those pencils now... I've used them for anything and everything over the years), and the Kris Kringle gift I got from my boss last year, a plastic sword and axe set (because I had this whole thing going on about the movie Willow and The Dark Crystal) and a really cheap set of coloured pencils (because I was his graphics "go-to" guy, and he kept referring to that whole area of design as "coloured pencil people")... see question Ten below for why that was special.

Four. Do you have a special someone to kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s?


Five. Name of your favorite reindeer?

Rudolph... see question One.

Six. Favorite Holiday food?

A toss up between the sausage meat we cook with the turkey (but not IN the turkey) and Ma's homemade mince tarts.

Seven. Snow day — cuddle by the fire, or hand me a snowball?

Well, I've never actually experienced snow... so, maybe snowball fight followed by a hot shower and a snuggle by the fire?

Eight. What was your New Year’s resolution for this year? Did you stick to it?

I don't do resolutions... but I do do a Wish List... things I want the universe to know that it can send my way or allow me to do.

Nine. Is there really a Santa Claus?

Who are you... Virginia?

Ten. Present, or stocking stuffer?

Present... but only if you've thought about it and bought something appropriate for me and my relationship with you. People tell me I'm hard to buy for... no idea why... I think those people just aren't paying attention.

Current Mood: getting the holiday spirit thing

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