
second christmas

The "second Christmas" I mentioned was pretty much like poking yourself in the eye... somehow it seems like a good idea at the time, but its much better when you stop.

I suppose it's closer to the Christmas everyone else seems to talk about... hanging around with a bunch of people you have not a single damn thing in common with (although in this case I'm only related to one, by a former marriage, the aforementioned first ex-husband of Ma's sister... so technically, not at all), and don't especially like all that much (the older they get and, I suppose, the older I get, the more boring and irritating they get and the less I can be bothered with them), getting fairly useless gifts (martini glasses... for me... who doesn't really drink... yeah... good... stylish yes, practical no... thank god I've trained the people I'm not really related to to give me cash), while wishing I was somewhere else (anywhere else), and passing the time ogling the very straight, but sweet 28 year old guy who is always by a country mile the most attractive person there (his younger brother isn't bad, but also isn't anywhere near as cute... stockier, hairier, less cute). And having him (unwittingly) flash the back waistband of his blue, possibly silk, boxers at me while he was preparing to leave was both nice, and frustrating...

Then having had two Coopers and two shots of Baileys, and sitting out in the (deceptively warm) sun all afternoon, I now have a post alcohol headache (I'm a cheap drunk... what can I say!), and am slightly cranky...


Current Mood: headachey and cranky

1 comment:

jjd said...

my problem with drinking too. If I don't get significantly drunk and just party until I pass out, the alternative is slightly buzzed, followed by headache and blehs a few hours later for the rest of the night.