
five random facts meme

just for the holidaysI got tagged by my favourite Christmas elf, Jevyeddy, for a second meme in a week, so here we go...

Here's what you need to do:

Write 5 random facts about yourself, and then list the names of 5 people whom you in turn infect. So, here we go!

I'm going with a vaugely Christmas theme so I can use one of my Christmas images.... mmmm hot naked Santa butt...

Facts about me:
  1. When I was about seven, we had to write our lists to Santa one day in school... my entire list was "A Kitten"... I never got one, mostly due to my grandmother's allergies and dislike of cats.
  2. I was raised by my mother and grandmother (which explains the allergies thing above), until the latter died when I was 16.
  3. Every year (for the last four or five at least) Ma and I have croissants for breakfast on Christmas Day. We've managed to "overcook" them on more than one occasion.
  4. I'm addicted to green, seedless grapes all through summer.
  5. I don't send Christmas cards.
On second thoughts... I choose not to infect anyone else... but if you want to do the meme, go right ahead...

Current Mood: a little warm, but okay


Joseph said...

hahaha...thanks for giving us some meme-relief!

Sunshine said...

Since when did I become an elf???? :P

yani said...

Joseph: You didn't even do the last one I tagged you with :P

Sunshine: Coz you're so (theoretically) cute and tiny and perky... or maybe that's Sam...

Joseph said...

I know, I'm lame. I just feel guilty when I don't do those memes.