There just doesn't seem to be the quantity, much less quality of stuff there had been in previous years... it's somewhat vexing!
We went here, there and everywhere today and I basically came home with nothing (well, nothing "fun" anyway).
As always, we started the day with Supermarket Safari... blah blah steak, blah blah grapes, blah blah Snap Lock Bags, blah blah milk products, blah blah Woolworths Magazine... same old same old really.
The Ritual Unpacking got an added boost today because in the midst of doing that we also packed up my Christmas decorations (ala my Toy Soldier collection)... so now all I have to do is reorganise my existing stuff and make room for the few new bits and pieces. Tomorrow maybe...
Then once everything was packed away safely we headed out to Ikea. Now, granted when we went to Ikea around this time last year it was a little later in the year, but while there were a lot of "sale" signs up, there didn't seem to be that much stuff that was worth looking at. Maybe that's just a regular trip to Ikea... lots of stuff, not much that's actually interesting. I'm still obsessing a little over the Tullsta armchair... I need something to replace the brokedown old rocking chair I have, but I'm just wondering if I couldn't find something I liked more for around the same price ($130) elsewhere. But I don't go and look anywhere else, I just look in the Land of Swedish Crap and have massive amounts of indecision...
I also half-heartedly looked at the bed frames... I really, really, really, really need a new bed, but they don't seem to make the frame I saw ages ago anymore, so I'm not quite sure what to do... fortunately because I've been working the "tax refund bed money" is still there, lurking in my bank account, taunting me. Me and major furniture related lifestyle decisions... not happening...
Anyway, we picked up a few bits of random crap at Ikea, nothing massive, Ma got a broom and a dustpan set, blah blah... then we headed off to Marion.
And you know what... we didn't buy a damn thing anywhere down there either. There were no decent Christmas decorations worth buying (actually most of the stores seem to have taken away all their Christmas stuff and replaced it with a see of quite bland and uniform Back To School crap), we've both kind of reached critical mass as far as DVDs are concerned (fortunately nothing we got before Christmas is out at a cheaper price, because that's just annoying)... just a big old World of Nothing really...
Then, like last week, and because we were down at Marion, we headed off to the movies (and like last week, more on that shortly)...
So that was pretty much our day...
Current Mood:

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