On the upside, we used the money in the "swear jar" at work (it was originally the "slush fund", then somewhere along the line it got turned into a seldom enforced swear jar, so obviously I've contributed a fair bit to it) to go and buy gelati this afternoon... well, Sugarmonkey and I had gelati, H-San and Rockchick were all "gelati isn't real icecream, blah blah blah". But $3.50 for three reasonable sized scoops of gelati in a cup isn't bad... mmmm lemon, banana and chocolate...
Which just leaves the Unconscious Mutterings...
- Arrival :: Departure
- Vomit :: Comet
- Fit :: Fat
- Stutter :: Rap
- Lifestream :: Final Fantasy VII
- Tread :: Tyre
- Desire :: Want
- Freezing :: I #&$*@ wish
- Permit :: Allow
- Crinkle :: Cut
Current Mood

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