I go past the GPO every day on my way home from work... although usually I'm dashing like a crazy person to make it to the bus...
Speaking of the bus... why is it that the least little bit of casual "bumping" of an arm or a knee or whatever with an attractive stranger on the bus is enough to make all my nerve endings stand to attention?
I have a confession to make... I'm tired... I've been tired all week long. Whether it's been the warmer weather, whether it's because I haven't been getting to bed early enough, or what I don't know... but it's been a very long and very tired week.
I'm also stressing out a tiny bit because my time in The Nut House is drawing to a close, at least for a couple of months. Originally I thought it was only going to be a month (which may have been nice to take a "holiday", even though I wasn't getting paid for it), but Rockchick doesn't leave until the end of March, and I'm going to be filling in for her. Personally I think they're nuts to let me go for another two months and then bring me back (but it's all about the almighty dollar, which I understand)... I know I was away for longer last time, but I'm still not completely up to speed (well, I don't feel like it anyway)... and now I'm going to miss out on two months worth of (potentially important) stuff before I have to come back and pick up where Rockchick left off. Madness I tells ya...
At lunch I wandered over to the Market again (it's turning into a weekly ritual), and in between wanting to push really slow and/or inconsiderate people out of the way (who stops in the middle of a crowded aisle in a place like the Central Market without being aware of who's around them?) I went into Lucia's and bought a jar of what is possibly the best pasta sauce I've ever had. Originally I'd planned on getting it from my supermarket, but I figured since I was there and Lucia's was there, why not get it direct from the source (no verbal pun intended)... plus the guy who served me was gorgeous! Sadly I ended up putting the sauce on some second rate pasta (I should remember that I'm not really a fan of gnocchi) for dinner, but the sauce itself was glorious.
Current Mood:

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