
photo friday: little gay tree

tree by borders, presents by ikea, angel by the christmas shop, styling by yaniBehold, this is possibly one of the gayest Christmas trees EVER!

It's pink, it's tinsel, it's about nine inches high, it's topped with an angel blowing a trumpet (paging Dr Freud your phallic symbol is waiting), it's sitting on my desk at work and it's just as tacky as all hell... but I love it anyway.

Currently I'm feeling more than a little bit stupid. The servers at work crashed out this afternoon so I couldn't do any actual work... so instead I set about drafting out this post to save me some time when I got home. Then as I'm walking to the bus stop I realise that I didn't put it on my USB drive, so it's still sitting on my desktop at work... d'oh! Then a little while ago I realised that I never put my rings back on before I left the office (I take them off sometimes if I'm doing "serious typing")... double d'oh...

I'm choosing to blame the weather... I mean I like it when it rains... I like it a lot... I like the sound of the rain, in Summer I like the feel of the rain, I even love the smell of the rain... I realised standing at the bus stop this afternoon that what I don't like is rain plus wind. Rain plus wind is BAD. And it was particularly gusty where I was standing for no good reason... so my umbrella turned itself inside out about half a dozen times, and me, my Crumpler bag (interestingly, now that it's gotten wet my bag seems like it's lost a little of it's "starchiness", so I'm wondering if Crumpler bags are supposed to do that) and my Converse sneakers got a little bit damp. Fortunately by the time I was trudging home carrying a bag of groceries, a bag of little white Chinese takeout containers (for Christmas goodies) and my drycleaning, plus dealing with my umbrella, it had mostly stopped raining.

Speaking of my Converse sneakers... as much as I love how damn stylish they look (although somebody did say to me today that he thought they were bowling shoes), they're really not the most comfortable shoe ever... at least not yet. And getting a canvas shoe didn't help with the comfort level either. Plus they're all squeaky and like a Bon Jovi song (you know, "Slippery When Wet"... work with me here people). Did I mention that I love them though?

I'm pretty sure that in the draft I bashed out at work I rambled on for a couple more paragraphs about the ergonomic keyboard I'm now using at work (I have trouble hitting the letter B) and buying Ma way too many Christmas presents (the latest being a cute but tacky seahorse beach towel that's actually for the Under 10 set), but mostly I can't remember what the hell I said or whether it was particularly important anyway...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

The Mutant said...

If you want shoes the likes of which you've never experienced before then get yourself a pair of royal elastics. Hot as hell and comfy to boot! (pardon the pun)