So after yesterday's soloness, Ma came down this morning and we just planned to go to a few places, either places we hadn't gotten around to yet, or places that are only open on Sunday...
The first stop was one of the latter... the Rundle Street Markets where we had the aforementioned poffertjes, I found yet another little toy soldier (at the doll stall... he's wool I think, and seems very British, what with the gentlemanly moustache and all) and I bonded overly with the tres funky girly at the (ah damn, I can see their logo, but I can't remember the name) "funky badge/jewellery made from Lego and stuff" stall... possibly there was muchly bonding because I was going through the bowl of homobadges... which prompted her to ask if I'd been to Picnic in the Park (which usually falls on the same weekend as the Trimming de la Tree, so that would be a big no).
Some of the badges were good, some were so-so (two things to remember funky badge girlies... typography and contrast, that's all I'm saying), but I ended up picking out one with Justin from the US version of Queer As Folk and one that I thought was subtle and kinda witty, lack of capitals and odd typography notwithstanding... "Mine is a shakespearean love - All the parts are played by men."
Not that I know what the hell I'm going to do with them (maybe I need to get some tiny magnets and turn them into fridge magnets)...
Our next stop was Burnside Village, which is in one of the snootier suburbs... so snooty in fact that in the undercover carpark they have a system to let you know where there are free spaces... all the little spaces have lights hanging down over them, and when there's a car in the spot the light is red... when the car leaves, the light turns green... very festive at this time of year... all highly scary and wrong, but useful (well, except in the spots where it was on the blink and the lights were green, even though there were cars in the spaces).
The reason for the trip to the Land of Ladies who Lunch was to visit Adelaide's first ever Smiggle store... mmmmmmm Smiggle... I loved Smiggle when my only exposure was Ma bringing me back things from Melbourne... now I've personally been in a Smiggle store ... *DROOL*. I love stationery at the best of times, but stationery that's colour coded within the store and a store that's just jam packed full of gorgeous things that I don't really need... LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Now all I need to do is work out where I could put a shiny silver garden gnome money box (and then of course go back and buy it)... I did buy a couple of cute little notebooks for work (I was actually looking for a spiral notebook, but couldn't resist these two), a little Samurai dude in blue and one covered in little Geisha in purple. I *heart* Smiggle!
Our final stop was Norwood, for no real reason, other than the fact that it was more or less on the way home... and that was pretty much a random wander up and down the street... until we went past the American Candy Stand cupcake store. It wasn't helped by the fact that I had a "buy several, get one free" voucher thing in my wallet... so "buy several" we did... and were served by a girlie who used to work in the IGA down the road (sweet, but dumb as a box of rubber puppies).
So that was pretty much our sunny, somewhat food orientated, Sunday...
Current Mood:

Okay so I thought I was familiar with poffertjes but it turns out I'm not, but they sound good! There is too much similar sounding Dutch cuisine!
Oh, and can I just say "dumb as a box of rubber puppies" has to be the line of the year!
Yeah poffertjes rock... and don't let them try to suck you in with all that cream and sour cream and butter nonsense... cinnamon sugar and a squeeze of lemon, brilliant...
Yeah, I'm fond of the rubber puppies line too... it's one of those developing things... first it was box of hammers, then it was rubber hammers (because they're obviously more useless than the regular kind), then box of puppies got introduced somewhere along the way (because they're adorable, but pretty damn stupid), which morphed somehow into a box of rubber puppies... useless, but adorable...
And I'm suddenly realising it probably loses some of the impact when I explain it... :P
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