
photo friday: second christmas

geographically misplaced wildflowersCan I just say... in a word... urgh!

It was fairly obvious at the end of my last post that I really, really, really didn't want to go to Second Christmas... and that mood continued when Ma got down to my place. I doubly didn't want to go AND to drive, so in the end I just let Ma drive... which may or may not have been the greatest plan.

Second Christmas is just over an hour away, no matter whether we go from my house (as we did this year) or Ma's house like we did last year... and it's what I would consider to be "country"... in my book, if you see sheep, cows and horses on the way there, it's the country. And I soooo don't do country. Honestly, if the place you're going doesn't have a proper address then screw it.

And not so much because Ma drove, but more because she wrote the instructions down wrong, we got lost... not scary Deliverance lost... but geographically misplaced. Eventually Ma pulled over and called the house and got proper directions. And the spot she just happened to stop in had the beautiful purple wildflowers.

Anyway, we got there eventually (even if I did get kinda sunburned on the way... my own fault, I had sunscreen with me, but never used it)... and I just looked around and thought "who the hell are these people and what do I have in common with anybody here"... and the answer to the second part at least is "not a fucking thing".

I mean, yes, getting there was actually more traumatic than the day itself... but I did a lot of nodding and smiling, and Ma did mention that I was occasionally "cutting"... which I don't have a problem with... and they only see me once a year, so they're not going to know the difference.

Somebody did say (just after we arrived I think) that they "didn't expect to see me" this year... and I did feel like saying "well, if I'd gotten my way, you wouldn't have"...

But one of the couples was missing this year, which meant that I scored a Wiltshire Staysharp carving knife in addition to my usual $50.

As always when he's there JD drives me to distraction, and he doesn't have to do very much, just the occasional underwear waistband flash and just his general himness, and, yeah...

We eventually left around 6:30 or so... and I made the fatal mistake of saying to Ma "it's up to you, but if you want to take Lower North East Road we can detour around Tea Tree Plaza"... you know what I hate most about driving in the Hills, other than the fact that they're "country"... narrow little windy roads with giant drop offs and stupid speed limits. Guess what Lower North East Road was... yep, you guessed it.

I've never been quite so happy to see suburbia...

But thankfully it's all over for another year.

Current Mood:

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