
photo friday: reindeer

my reindeerThis is the reindeer ornament that gave me all those headaches at the beginning of the month... all pretty with the side lighting and whatnot...

It was a bit of a Comedy Relief Day at work today... H-San wasn't around, and while I wouldn't say we were goofing off all day, there was definitely some Christmas spirit happening in the afternoon.

And the two and a half day I'm working next week look like they're going to be heavy on the green coloured "Personal" items in my Outlook calendar. I'm supposed to be having lunch with Stu on Monday, coffee with a woman I used to work with some five or so years ago on Tuesday followed by a "staff meeting" (which isn't a "personal" thing, but not sure how much actual meeting we'll do), then one of the women on my floor (which I just realised sounds weird) is organising a morning tea on Christmas Eve.

Roll on lunchtime Wednesday and Haircut Afternoon (yaaaay!), that's all I can say!

Current Mood:

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