And I thought that it might be nice to go with something cool and slightly restful... and since I've pretty much done blue to death, I thought green would be a fitting way to make it through the Summer months.
So shady, leafy bamboo snapped in the Botanical Gardens seemed like the right way to go. Plus I haven't had a green version of this particular template since the first one.
I also made a few minor tweaks and changes to the left hand strip... nothing overly exciting, just cleaned out a few things, reorganised some other stuff... sort of like Spring Cleaning, except for Summer...
Obviously green is my colour for December... I just put my new green Ikea bedding on my bed (although the template is positively drab compared with the violent green of my bedding).
And what is it with Ikea pillow cases... there's like an extra six inches of pillow case beyond the edge of my pillows?
Oh, and I think I bought a Queen sized fitted sheet instead of a double, so bummer there...
But like Kermit once said... it's not easy being green...
Current Mood:

ah - ikea bedding - been caught out there too - their matresses are just a few cm longer than most too - so if you have their bedframes and buy a new matress, you need to buy one of theirs too! machiavellian scandinavians lol
Yeah I kinda suspected it was one of those "buy our products" kind of things... stoopid Ikea... :)
I'm loving the look of the new template, but may I make a suggestion? Well, I will anyway - the contrast between your links and the background needs a little better definition, it's a touch difficult to read - may I suggest perhaps making the text white? Other wise it's delightfully summerish.
The new template is a lovely cooling colour. As Kezza said, summerish.
I also agree with Kezza that we gay colour defective vision males don't find much contrast in the light print against this background.
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