Which is about the only reference to the 2010-2019 you're getting... other than for me to remark that today is my 10th year on Twitter. And I've been on Instagram for basically the whole decade also... but that started in October 2010.
And speaking of which, I managed to keep the #leftovertuesdays Instagram idea happening all year (I think I missed two weeks, one because I was sick and one from technical issues), where I posted old photos every Tuesday.
I also broke 4000 blog posts earlier this month... so that's my last decade and then some.
But 2019...
January: Business as usual, many much DnD. Adelaide broke a highest temperature record that I think we re-broke about three times recently during December.
February: Ma moved house (fortunately not far, unfortunately she was not organised in any way, shape or form). Went to a DnD friend's engagement party. Fringe started.
March: I turned 45, Fringe ended.
April: I went through all my books and got rid of a pile of them, which was pretty damn cathartic. I ran the first real DnD game for Ma.
May: I got sick, otherwise nada.
June: Ma's birthday. Burger Theory closed their city store... I didn't find out until August. I ran Ma a DnD game for her birthday. The Thursday DnD group that should never have worked played their last game together.
July: Ma had a car accident, she was fine, car not so much. She bought a "new" (secondhand) car.
August: Circumstances beyond my control (or at least beyond my finances currently) meant I ran my last Monday DnD game. I bought a kitchen table (for DnD... I've yet to actually use it for that). I learned how to make bread.
September: I came down with a case of Bell's Palsey and lost control of half of my face for the rest of the month. Septembers have not been treating me well for the last couple of years.
October: We finally got around to checking out the Wonderwalls street art at Port Adelaide. I got full feeling/function back in my face. I started playing the new DnD hardcover with a small, handpicked group (and make bread for the games).
November: One of my DnD friends invited me to a fortnightly boardgame night at his place. I went to a former workmate's 60th birthday party.
December: The least excited Christmas season ever, including tree trimming, goodie making and then actual Christmas.
Otherwise it was mostly the same old same old.
I finished a DnD "campaign" (I put it in inverted commas because it wasn't a real actual campaign), continued another (more on that in a second) and started two others, one of which fell apart, the other is perfect and brilliant.
As far as the continued campaign, we have had some AMAZING moments, and more than one session with nothing but total roleplay from one end to the other, where the only dice we roll during the game are against each other. And I will be incredibly sad when that campaign ends. However, looking back through the year and seeing how many weeks I mentioned "oh it didn't happen because reasons nobody bothered to tell me" or "we won't be playing again for weeks before the DM has some bullshit reason". I'm also annoyed that one of the players who should not have been allowed to come back and join us, has in fact come back and joined us. Don't get me wrong, his character has kept mine alive, but it's still annoying. As is the fact that yes, we tool November off because one of the players was getting married, but then we never restarted again in December because of the DM (and again, I didn't hear this from him)... so hopefully we get to finish the campaign in January.
We only saw 6 movies this year. Mostly because there were just long stretches of time where there was absolutely nothing we wanted to see. But Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame were the only two movies that got full marks. Everything else was fairly good as well.
Current Mood: