
photo saturday: wonderwalls and weather

wonderwalls: birkenhead tavern capricorn by sarah boesewonderwalls: 94a st vincent street by peeta

wonderwalls: quebec street perpetuum mobile by sat onewonderwalls: mundy street girl by vans the omega
Hey, look at that... photos fresh off the proverbial presses (in this case that would be Photoshop).

But we'll circle back to that.

This week has been average with a side order of "oh, I remember warm weather, can we not please?".

I did not soup or stew this week, because overly warm Spring weather. Instead I baked some chicken breasts in the oven on Monday night and had them for the rest of the week in not especially interesting or inventive ways.

On the up side, oven baked chicken is really nice, even several days later.

Oh, yeah, an update on my face and the lack of movement therein. As of right now I'm mostly back to normal. There's still some residual weakness in my lip, but as I've probably said before, that was the first thing to go, so it'll be the last thing to return. It's basically at the point where I don't really notice it or think about it unless I'm rinsing my mouth after brushing my teeth, so that's a plus.

Otherwise, not much to mention from the first part of the week.

Wednesday was all the DnD once again. And both characters had a bit of a rough time to be honest.

The day game wasn't our usual game (lack of DM) so I got to play on the table of one of my friends who hasn't been around on Wednesdays for a while, playing the sequel to an adventure I really enjoyed. The only downside is that my very talkative "French" wizard elf wanted access to some books, resulting in him ending up with an Intelligence score of 1 (instead of 16), so that was fun. He's better now, the DM didn't torture me for long and reversed the effect (I possibly would have done it for longer myself, and I was enjoying myself, although not being able to talk was possibly torture).

Then the night game was... very interesting. I mean rule 1 is always "Don't fuck with time travel". And we got sent back in time thanks to the adventure Macguffin last week, and didn't do everything exactly the same was we did them the first time through. This week was the repercussions of that. It was also one of those "be careful what you ask the DM for" moments, since I'd jokingly complained about him taking a number of characters away from me/us (okay, me)... and he gave some of them back this week. And my character found his "graph paper girlfriend" was back, but their relationship is different and strange and I had a lot of fun roleplaying the confusion (I mean some of it was just regular confusion, no roleplay required).

I amused the rest of the table though. And I had a ton of fun.

We are definitely entering the end game though. It just depends on how long we drag this thing out I guess.

The end of the week was entirely too warm for my liking. I'm sure I go though some version of this every year, but somehow the end of Winter always comes as a surprise and I feel like it's been colder weather for the last 1000 years. And I'm just not ready for the alternative.

Today, the warmest of the warm days thus far, although mostly cloudy, was in fact a different day for us.

I mean it started in the usual way, with the supermarket. And since the weather is cooling down next week I'm making tuna mornay... what I'll do when it's actually Summer, I have no fucking clue. That's one of the things I really like about Winter, I cook once a week and I'm fed. This cooking every day thing is too much work.

Anyway... we came back here and did the usual pfaffery.

Then we decided that while it was warm, it was also cloudy, so we might as well do what we'd originally intended to do today and go down to Port Adelaide to finally check out the street art from Wonderwalls back in March.

Often times overcast days are better for getting shots of the artwork itself, but means that the sky often blows out... so it's a swings and roundabouts thing really. Not too bad overall though. Found all but one (I think) of the pieces from 2019... and even tracked down some ones I hadn't seen from 2017.

However, one kinda massive flaw to the day. We parked down by Hart's Mill to start off, and I got out of the car, headed over to take a photo only to discover my middle finger on my left hand was bleeding. Yep, Ma's car bit me. And by bit me I mean that the stupid metal foil on the inner door handle had started to peel at the top, and I accidentally ran my finger along it when I was opening the door.

What is it with me and injured fingers? I mean it's the same hand as my major finger injury, plus a number of older and smaller injuries with various and sundry scars.

Thankfully the nice people at the fruit and veg market had a first aid kit and gave me a bandaid, but fuck my life.

Anyway, it wasn't an auspicious start to the trip, but it did improve from that point.

We wandered around until just after noon then circled back to the second position for the car and had some lunch nearby.

Then a quick trip over the bridge to capture the Capricorn piece at the top of this post, and we headed back to my place. And we got back here a lot earlier than expected (granted we left here originally earlier than we have been heading out previously).

And man it's been a while since I went through a big group of photos and got them ready for the blog. I both miss it and I really don't, since it takes forever. The end result is worth it though.

Current Mood:

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