Well, Summer arrived with something of a vengeance this week. Fortunately only for a day.
This also led to me cancelling any and everything for Wednesday and hibernating inside with the air-conditioner.
Thursday I had a board game night at a friend's place with associated randoms, which was fun.
Then last night I had my first DnD session in two weeks (since the last Friday night game), and we had a good time. I also terrorised a young cultist we captured, so that was enjoyable (you know, in the dark "make him rethink his life choices" way).
Although now I have to pick a bard subclass... and I honestly don't know what to pick. Partially that's because I don't think that the bardic subclasses are as narratively strong as those of other classes. But also because my character could honestly go in three different subclass directions. So that's going to be on my mind for the rest of the week.
I made plain bread for the game, and our hosts provided some cheese and some cold meats and we went through almost the whole thing. It was very good bread, if I do say so myself. And I do.
I had a phone call from my land agent yesterday, and she started talking and in the back of my mind I'm trying to work out where this story is going... and then suddenly it clicks that somehow, someone has mistaken weird creepy smoking old man from the other end of the balcony for me and made a complaint and she's trying to explain this to me. But of course. I'm me and not creepy smoking old man. So then we had that conversation and I was definitely "hey, here are the receipts, there's the truth, I already left a note during an inspection about this issue and you can take this conversation and shovel it".
But as is often the case, the whole "getting in trouble, even for something that definitely is not in any way me" thing meant that my body was full of endorphins and so trying to send them an email to confirm everything I'd said over the phone was a challenging exercise.
And then I went into the city for my chiro appointment.
Today... today was the centre of the nexus of the vortex of the whole entire universe. Today had so many things happening... not things I needed or wanted or was invited to go to... but honestly, everything just seemed to be scheduled for today.
For example, two of my friends are getting married, one of my old workmates is having a 60th birthday party (which I am going to tonight), there is a DnD epic happening, both the Etsy Christmas Market and the French Festival were on today... and as I discovered to my chagrin on the way to the supermarket this morning, the Norwood Christmas Pageant (also known as "Oh God, oh God, why are all the roads closed, you monsters") was ALSO today.
So fuck right off today.
I will say that even though I didn't know it was All The Roads Are Closed Day and I was shopping on my own today (Ma's Haircut Day), while getting to the supermarket took longer, it was remarkably low stress for some reason. Or I just managed to get lucky and found a break in the traffic (probably more so that instead of sitting there and trying to go right, I just went left and then did a U turn in a sidestreet). So yeah, there's that.
Then I came home, put stuff away, watched some YouTube, dicked around on the computer before Ma showed up.
We then went off to Unley for the Etsy Market. And, while it's great, it's also a lot of similar things (artwork, greeting cards, earrings and necklaces), none of which we particularly need. I mean I did get a card for the birthday party tonight, and Ma got one present, but that was it really.
As far as the French Festival is concerned, we walked through it on the way to and from the Etsy Market, but that was really about it.
Then we came back here and went over to Burnside Village for some lunch. And then called it today.
And that's about it... except I need to go out again tonight. So *shrugs*.
Current Mood:

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