
photo saturday: ocean whites

bondi lightcastaways

crab weedsky tanker
A weird week... not excessively so, but still weird.

The stew I made worked out very well. Perhaps a little too thin to properly be stew... but at the same time too thick to properly be soup. It was nice though.

Otherwise I don't really remember anything before Wednesday. Probably because nothing interesting happened, and all the interesting things happened from Wednesday on. Funny how that works.

Wednesday was DnD day... only the day game didn't happen. Well, the game I expected to happen. And I'll be honest, I'm pretty much equal parts annoyed that it didn't happen and ambivalent about the future of it in general.

On the plus side, my friend Fluffy was in to run a game, so I got to be at his table, which is always good, however it ended up being a 7 person table, which I hate... and I wasn't particularly bothered about some of the players. But we only played for a couple of hours because Fluffy had another appointment, and so I just legged it after that.

Wednesday night's game was... *smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat emoji*.

Actually it was probably one of the more amazing games we've played. But very intense. Secrets were revealed (mostly not mine this time around, so that's a relief), a character from outside of this campaign (one of mine) showed up to assist with one of the other character's backstories. And it wasn't even my doing.

I'll sum it up mostly like this... we played for about four hours, didn't roll a single dice of damage, and the only skill checks we made were against each other. And the following morning I wrote seven pages of notes (usually I might make a page or page and a half of notes at the table... the previous record was about four pages after we went backwards through time).

I'm kind of even sadder that we won't be playing again until December at the earliest, because there is so much additional stuff to discuss and do after the last game. We're also very, very, very close to the end. And I don't want it to be over. I don't want to put these relationships away, never to be seen again, even though it's only been a very inconsistent 18 months (I think) of game time. We are going to have to have a "epilogue" episode I think, even though we won't be level 20 when we stop... but the characters need the ability to live on anyway.

And as excited as I am about being the DM for the next campaign, it will be a shame to not have the in-game relationships this time around. It will also be interesting to see what the group does without me as a... directional force? Basically me and my big mouth on the player side is what I'm trying to say.

Thursday night I went to play a game of Thornwatch at one of the Wednesday night DnD player's house. I bought the game through Kickstarter, but I'd never played it before this week. And while it wasn't perhaps the group I would have chosen, it also wasn't my party... and nobody was awful, they were just... prototypical straight white male board game nerds. Lets just say that there was perhaps a lack of subtly in their characterisations.

I very much enjoyed the game though... and I think I chose the right character archetype, I feel like it was one the other players might not have been great at. But that's just me being a little biased I guess.

And we're doing it again in a couple of weeks. Like I said, nobody was awful and I did have a good time.

When I got home from that I made the bread for Friday night and set it aside to prove. I attempted "chocolate bread" based on a recipe I found.

A recipe that didn't involve sugar, but did involve both cocoa powder and chocolate chips. I'll be honest with you, clearly I didn't add in enough chocolate chips, because they fucking evaporated. And while the bread looked like chocolate cake and smelled of cocoa (especially fresh out of the oven), it tasted like... well... bread. Good bread. But not bread that matched the packaging.

I need to try that again, with possibly more chocolate chips but also with some actual sugar.

Next time we play I'm just going to make regular bread though.

The Friday night game technically became a Saturday morning game, since we played through until about 12:30. It was fun though... we did come up with a party name, which is slightly silly, but seems appropriate, The Locksmiths. Not that any of us are rogues nor locksmiths. But we do have a thing about doors (our first party "murder" was committed using a door).

But we're still in the same "starter" dungeon... we had a long nap and continued on... we're nearly done thankfully, and I'm interested to see what happens next, especially since we've earned a few favours from people we've found down there.

Sadly also no game next week. So next week could very possibly result in no games at all, we'll have to see what happens.

Today was... well, it was the Christmas Pageant, which pretty much means fuck all to us at this stage, but does usually signify the point that Christmas present shopping does at least need to be considered.

But firstly the supermarket. It was supermarketry. I'm planning on making quiche this week, for the first half at least.

Otherwise we seemed to buy an awful lot of nothing much.

Afterwards we came back here as usual... and ended up (eventually) putting the Christmas Pageant on (without sound of course, because we're not stupid)... and, quick sidebar, it just looked sad. They seem to no longer shoot it/end it on North Terrace and the new end just looked really sad on teevee... not enough people by half and a much less pretty part of the city. Possibly they can't do it in the old place any more because of the tram line... which is just sad really.

Anyway, that kind of triggered off the "Christmas present shopping" hormone for reasons unknown, so we did the Big W, Target, Kmart, Officeworks circuit. And actually found things for other people (mostly). So not the worst first excursion.

I also found the appropriate shoes that I tried to find last week.

And that was about it really... we did run around for much longer than we have been in previous weeks, but we also got actual things done.

Current Mood:

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