
photo saturday: city greys

melbourne grey

nostalgic modern
We're going to do the speed round of this week today I think, given that it's relatively late and the story is easy to tell.

I made unexciting vegetable and barley soup this week, unexciting except for the fact I put too much chilli paste in it.
  • Monday was DnD, not a bad session, but not spectacularly memorable.
  • Wednesday was two DnD sessions, but the morning session wasn't the adventure it was supposed to be, and I didn't have any other character folders with me, so I ended up running a character I haven't played it over a year, copied from the app on my phone.
  • Wednesday night's session was our first return to the Abyss in, I don't know, over a month. There were too many people (by which I mean 7), so it was less cohesive and roleplay tended to happen in small groups, which is fine but not ideal.
  • Thursday night's game was some quality roleplay followed by some average dungeon crawling. Nobody cried (specifically me) though, so we were ahead of the game.
  • Thursday was also the last game I'll play in that store before them move, first game in the new store on Monday.
That's really about it for the week to be honest. Although I spent some time yesterday prepping for Mum's (belated) birthday DnD game, and then looked at the clock and realised it was 1am and I should really go to bed.

Today was/felt calmer than last time.
  • As mentioned last week, I'm making tuna mornay this week, which should be good.
  • We ended up buying a lot of stuff, and I don't completely no why, because I bought less stuff to make food throughout the week.
  • Afterwards we came back here and I unpacked, then rearranged things for the game.
  • Then I made veggie slice... which is really just a low rent frittata which looked awful before I put it in the oven but it came out relatively okay.
  • I think I was less tense because a) everybody was making their own way here and b) we've done it once before and c) I wasn't trying to make food and start the game and do all the things with not enough table/loungeroom space.
  • We would have gone massively over time if people hadn't needed to leave, I honestly wasn't keeping track of time and there was some jiggerypokery going on.
It's not a bad adventure to be honest, but I feel like it could definitely run overtime very easily as it's quite full of stuff. We'll see when I run it for other people in a couple of weeks.

And that's it really, bing bang bosh, done.

Current Mood:

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