
photo saturday: mood

stained willspirit globes

creepy clownsnake shields
/muːd/ noun
1. a temporary state of mind or feeling.
2. an angry, irritable, or sullen state of mind.
Guess what the word of the week is? Actually more than just the word, it's the prevailing theme of the week.

Hence also why the images for this week a) don't have a theme and b) are as random and odd as I could combine together.

Let's try and keep this all in the usual order though, otherwise it makes even less sense.

Sunday I made potato and leek soup... not perhaps my best ever effort, to be honest I'd rather just make the chowder again, but it was nice for something different.

Monday was, for the most part, fairly standard. My DnD game went okay, it was only a two hour though, so the party got through it in about 3 hours, which is pretty standard.

Tuesday is where the wheels fell off the week. I got a call from Ma late in the afternoon to say that she'd had a car accident. She's fine, the car however, not so much. A woman in an SUV was turning across Ma's lane and "didn't see" her due to the sun. Not really what we need right now to be honest. I mean there's never a "good" time for a car accident or to write-off a car, but the timing sucks.

Wednesday I reran the module from Monday but for different people... and as tends to be the case, a very different outcome, and had it not been for me being a benevolent DM (especially after I accidentally killed one of the players), they all would have died. The Wednesday night game as one of the quiet sessions, which was nice.

Thursday the other proverbial wheel fell off my brain. The game store where we play DnD is a business, I understand that. They need to make decisions based on what they believe is appropriate for their business. As a consumer, I can choose not to contribute to their business when they make choices I disagree with. However, this also comes with a side helping of the old adage "cutting off your nose to spite your face". Choices have consequences, I just need to determine whether those consequences are worth the choices.

It also meant that I didn't go to DnD on Thursday. It wasn't our "regular" game though, so I didn't especially miss out on anything.

Basically it boils down to me throwing a spaz and maybe making my own life and/or other people's lives more difficult as a result.

Speaking of which, the latter half of this quote has been rolling around in my brain for a couple of weeks now, but I only discovered where it's actually from today...
Lisa: Instead of giving us an education, they used us to design a toy! Aren't you outraged?
Bart: Not really, but if you're gonna throw a spaz, I'll come with.
Grift of the Magi, The Simpsons, S11E09
Friday was essentially me just being annoyed. And sad. But mostly annoyed.

Then we got to today. Due to the aforementioned car fuckery, I drove down to pick up Ma this morning, then we came back here and did the shopping. Then it decided to bucket down with rain. So we loitered around here until the sun made a reappearance.

We headed into the city, mostly to finish off the quest for a battery for Ma's cordless phone. It really shouldn't have been that hard. But we got there in the end. From there we mostly did a bit of a wander.

When we got back here, I sent Ma off home in my car. Honestly, it makes more sense that way anyway, she needs to use it more than I do, I can use the bus for anything I need. It'll make my life slightly more annoying, but I'd rather do it that way.

Current Mood:

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