Well, fuck this week. Fuck this week right in it's heatwaving, bushfire facehole.
Australia has broken so many "highest temperature" records this week, I think at one point South Australia broke a record that Western Australia had broken earlier that day. And then the temperature went up even higher about two hours later. Le sigh.
Firstly, let's rewind to before the world was mostly made of fire, to last Sunday's Christmas goody making.
It was weird. Let's just get that out there right off the bat. Although mostly it was weird because Ma moved house at the beginning of the year, so this is the first goody making in the new kitchen and new stuff is weird.
It wasn't bad (especially because the temperature was reasonable for the majority of the day). It was just different and weird. And honestly, I made 80% of everything I think.
Not that there was that much of everything, but yeah. I made two lots of Rocky Road. One with the regular Turkish Delight and milk chocolate, the other with orange flavoured TD and dark chocolate (left and right on the top row respectively... I think).
I'm gunna be honest, other than the slight difference in taste between the two kinds of chocolate, these are functionally identical. I can't really tell the difference. But they look pretty, which is good.
Then we (or I, I guess) made the Oreo Peppermint Truffles. I always like these because, due to adding melted chocolate to the mixture they always set really, really well for rolling into balls.
And finally, everybody's (and by everybody, I mostly mean me) favourite, the Peanut Butter Balls. I accidentally made a somewhat better, or at least seemingly less melty version of them this year. I think maybe because I put more icing sugar and peanut butter in and a little less butter. They tasted a little less sweet to me overall, but that could also be me misremembering how sweet they've been in previous years.
The good thing about Ma's new place is that the kitchen and living room are all part of one large space, instead of being two totally separate rooms, so we just watched random, not Christmas, movies while we worked.
I would have preferred to spend the rest of the entire week holed up in my apartment making love to the airconditioner, but it was not to be. Plus I think I would have come down with a nice case of cabin fever. I was already going a little loopy after just Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesday was DnD, and we finished off the little trilogy from the past couple of weeks. Which was fun. And the store was adequately airconditioned, so that was fantastic.
Then Thursday was Haircut Day... with added small children. Which is fine, because I get to leave eventually. And Tink got me a baby Groot "planter" (I put it in quotes because while I totally could put something in it, I'm not sure if I want to actually put soil and a plant I need to water in it... maybe a little fake plant or one of those airplants maybe?). I might also talk to one of my friends about giving it a new paintjob, because the "factory paint" isn't particularly detailed. But the sculpt is nice.
Hair, short, blonde bordering on silver/purple.
I also piked out of Board Game Fortnight... mostly because the aircon in my car no longer works and I really, really didn't want to sit in traffic in the heat.
Then Friday was Chiro Day... because I clearly arranged everything to be the week before Christmas WAY before the weather decided to put the setting on "Hell/Heatwave/Firestorm".
I don't know it it was because it was the end of a heatwave, or the Friday before Christmas or what, but I was the only passenger on the bus all the way into town... which was slightly weird. But also airconditioned, and therefore good.
Then after back adjustments and suchlike, it was back home before heading out to Friday Night DnD.
We didn't do a hell of a lot to be honest. I mean, we had fun and my bard got to perform, so that was great. And then because we reached a good stopping point early, we played a bunch of rounds of Love Letter, which was a ton of fun.
I did mean we didn't wrap up until after midnight and I didn't get home until about 1am.
Today was simple. Which is good. Ma was having her hair did, so I was on my own for shopping. And because it was the last Saturday before Christmas I made sure that I was there nice and early when the supermarket opened at 7:30, and was done by the time we would usually be getting to the shops.
And I'm not doing anything involved or strenuous with the rest of the day.
Also, turns out this is my 4000th blog post, who knew!
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