
photo saturday: white rabbit teaparty

white rabbit signteaparty water

teeny tiny mirror and chairfollow the white rabbit 2015
Can I just mention that while I'm mostly used to standing up running DnD, standing up for a little over four hours, barefoot, in my own house while running a game was kind of exhausting.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I made potato, leek and bacon soup this week... with cheese... which was really, really good. So good that I could probably have eaten it cold. In fact, due to the fact that this week was ridiculously hot for this time of year, I almost did a couple of times (in that I kind of started eating it cold, and then changed my mind at some point).

"Normal" DnD was only three games this week, two of which I ran. The Monday game was okay... mostly because the modules I'm running at present are a little m'eh. But I want to run them so that I can move on to the later ones from that season. So we finished in around 2.5 hours (but then it was a 2 hour module).

Wednesday's day game was much better... partially because of the party, but also because it was just a much better module. And it's nice when you can make callbacks that the people at your table get.

The evening game was small... only three of the regular players. I almost pulled the plug on it given that one of our group couldn't be there, which meant one of the others wasn't going to show up (it shouldn't be how it is, but it just is), and I wasn't sure I could even be bothered, but it seemed like one of the other players really wanted to play, so I decided to just "say yes". And it was okay... I mean it wasn't the worst game ever, and we didn't play for that long and we didn't do a ton of stuff. But it was okay. Better than not having done it.

The Thursday game got moved to this coming week, so I ended up not bothering to go in, mostly because I didn't want to end up running again, and there really wasn't a game going that I was interested in.

Then yesterday I prepped for Saturday's game. More on that shortly... but the prepping not only included reading the module, it also meant that I made 72 mini sausage rolls and stuck them in the fridge ready to throw in the oven before the game. Which meant that my fridge was basically full of sausage rolls, because while I have a catering size oven, I only have a tiny wee fridge.

Today we did the usual supermarket thing... this week I'm aiming for minestrone soup. I say aiming because I'm kind of going to make up the recipe as I go.

We did the shopping, then came back here and killed some time before the DnD game. Which was a special game... given that it was Ma's first real actual game. After running a game for just her at Christmas, I got her hooked on series 2 of Critical Role, so she asked me the other week, in a round about way, about playing a "real game". And I knew immediately the three people I wanted to have come and join her.

So I set about making it happen. I picked out three of my friends who I knew would be excellent for her first game and we arranged it for Easter Saturday (or as I discovered this year, it's also known as Holy Saturday, who knew).

I filled the oven full of sausage rolls, then headed out to pick up the trio in town, leaving Ma to keep an eye on the oven.

I will just say that at no point in the entire time that I have lived in this apartment (or possibly the apartment before this one), have I ever had that many people in the place at the same time. And it was only five people including me. But it felt like a lot.

And I decided to finally crack open that plum, nectarine and tomato relish I made back at the start of February. Holy fuckballs. Yes, it's incredibly sweet, yes, it's also still very vinegary... but damn it's tasty.

Anyway, between the five of us, we polished off all but about a dozen of the sausage rolls (half of which I gave to Ma, the other half I ended up having for dinner) and about half a jar of the relish. And everyone seemed to have a good time.

Whether this becomes a regular, or even just a semi irregular thing, I don't know. But it was fun. I just need to work out a much better way to actually run in my house, since I don't have a dining table as such. I mean I have a table, but it's tiny and square and not appropriate for playing on. We'll see.

But that was it... I dropped two of the trio in town and took the third home to his place, and called it a day.

Current Mood:

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