
photo saturday: studs and bricks

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lego teacher and studentlego monks
The first soup of the season was successful. I mean not thrilling necessarily, but tasty and filling.

I then spent what felt like the whole week going through my books or dusting... because I have a lot of surfaces... and those surfaces have a lot of tchotchkes on them... and a lot of those tchotchkes are made from Lego.

And when you dust Lego it requires a fucking paintbrush.

But seriously. The fact that I've been eyeballing my books for a couple of weeks at this point and thinking "Why do I still have that?" finally culminated in me going through all of my books and separating out the ones that, to use the phrase of the moment, "do not bring joy". So on Monday I started going through them all. Partly it was also because I wanted to clear my little dining table of all my DnD stuff and actually put it on the bookshelf, but I also needed to sort through the shelf where I just piled all my remaining books two years ago when I moved in here/moved books to as I needed space... because it was ridiculous.

I got there though. I moved things around, I pulled out the stuff I no longer wanted/needed and ended up by the end of the week with four of those foil/cooler shopping bags full of books and magazines and whatnot.

And I readjusted a couple of the shelves to make everything look a little nicer. But you can't empty bookshelves and reorganise them without dusting the shelves. And then you can't just dust half of the shelves on two of your six bookcases.

Hence the paintbrush.

I will say that everything feels a whole lot nicer, and I did manage to get all my DnD stuff, packed into IKEA magazine files, slotted into one of the bookshelves. And even if I hadn't done anything else, that was what I really wanted to get done.

So Monday was reorganising and some dusting, Tuesday was dusting the rest of the shelves, including the bookcase on the opposite side of the room, Wednesday I was out all day, Thursday I did the top of the bookcases and then realised I was going to have to dust everything in the whole goddamn room, so kept going around the room, and Friday was the tables with the TV and sorting out all the stuff that was left over.

It's not like that's ALL I did each day, but it did take up a big chunk of the day.

Otherwise, DnD was good... Monday was the usual game, and while I have in the past ad libbed a bunch of stuff leading into the adventure, I hadn't really planned anything out this time, but just started talking and spun this whole story, which was kinda cool.

Wednesday was a little confusing... well, other people were confused and confusing, I was fine. But I also ended up reorganising the room, splitting people up and running a game, because I'm tired of tables of 7+DM. Then Wednesday night, our DM was... I don't know, having a feeling... so he was there, but he didn't want to run. So someone else stepped up, the DM that kinda brought us all together as a group to be honest, and it was good to have him back in the driver's seat to be honest. I mean he nearly kicked our asses with two green dragons, but still good.

Thursday's game was (mostly) the same people as last week, same DM, second part of a trilogy. The additional person was nice enough, if a little... useless maybe isn't the right word... but by level 5 you should know how the fuck your character works and what you need to do on your turn. The only problem with the Thursday games is that there three of us who are high level role players, high level players really (even if one of them has only been playing in AL for less than a year)... and then there's one, who is, to quote someone on every season of RuPaul's Drag Race since it's inception... "not at our level". And it's just frustrating. He's just not someone I especially enjoy playing with, but he just keeps showing up.

Anyway, enough whinging...

Friday was also Chiro Day... which was good after a week of bending and stretching and carrying and moving in less usual ways.

Today wasn't much of anything. We did the shopping thing in the morning. This week I'm returning to potato, leek and bacon soup, and will ensure to keep all of my fingers.

Then we stuffed around at my place for a bit before we stopped off at Oxfam to offload the books I'd spent the week accumulating. We really didn't have a plan after that, so we ended up having a drive down to Glenelg, stopping at the Orange Spot Bakery for a pie and then heading down to the beach to eat it. And then we came back to my place, with a brief stop at Haighs.

That was completely it.

Current Mood:

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