Hence why there wasn't a separate post for the Christmas tree decorating.
But we're here now.
It wasn't especially different from any other edition of the decorating... Except I didn't go down to Ma's quite so early. Still pretty early, but not super stupid early.
And the whole thing was fairly low key.
I read the weird messages I'd left on various boxes for myself last Christmas and replied where appropriate, including the one that said we needed to revisit the Rainbow Christmas tree from 2014... especially since we have additional shades now we didn't have then. And it worked pretty damn well.
I will say that it's much easier and takes less brainpower to just put all the same colour on a single row of the tree, although because we had both shiny, matt and clear for some of the colours, making sure there weren't too much overlap in texture/finish took a hot minute.
We also kind of need either some brighter purple ones and/or some pink ones to go at the top of the tree. Well, I say "need"... it'd be nice to have them.
There wasn't a huge amount else that we needed to do... there were a few other bits and pieces we always put up at Ma's place, so those went up, but she's in the middle of packing up for the move, so her place is a bit all over everywhere just at the moment.
And we only wrapped a handful of things... so I was on the road back to my place by about 4 I think.
When I got home, I put up my little neon Christmas tree... which took all of about 37 seconds... take items out of box, plug item A into item B, plug item B into wall socket, enjoy Christmas merriment.
Did I mention both humbug and m'eh?
DnD was somewhat average, somewhat weird this week... Monday was pretty usual, although my Canadian player wasn't able to come to what would have been his final game before he goes to Canada... I mean he's coming back, but not until midway through January I think.
And after the game a number of the DMs wandered down to the Pancake Kitchen to sit around and talk shit, which was pleasant, even if I didn't get home until after 1am.
Wednesday was slightly odd for a couple of reasons, firstly the Wednesday night game (which used to be the Thursday night game) got cancelled due to lack of people giving a fuck (okay, actually due to people being sick and associated December bullshit, but still), but one of the guys who only intermittently comes for that game actually showed up after we'd finished the day game because he was in the neighbourhood and had finished work early.
Also, when your DM says to you a couple of days before a session that he has an idea to freak out the other players if you're game, and you go with it and it does freak out the others and it's weird that it's not weird because you've done way weirder stuff outside of DnD... yeah, that...
Anyway, because we haven't been playing on Wednesday nights for long enough that it felt weird NOT to play, Wednesday night was just a regular Wednesday.
Thursday was a good session, even if I knew the adventure and had to try very hard not to second guess myself (and I think that I second guessed myself so hard a couple of times that I didn't do what I probably would have naturally done because I couldn't remember if I was remembering that that was what was supposed to happen... you know?). But I continue to love this new character I mentioned last week who has still yet to do a single point of damage (his first game notwithstanding, but that was a whole different thing) and who I just reworked his character to be a little more in line with the way I'm playing him.
Also, this is the very first character I've ever had where someone has said to me "oh, I HATE him"... which is kind of awesome... I mean he's not a massive asshole or anything, but he's definitely not the usual type of characters that I play. And it's a lot of fun.
Otherwise this week wasn't much of anything really.
I do need to get my shit together and buy Fringe tickets though... by Tuesday at the latest.
Today was a little bit more of a run around, because I finally got around to booking my car in for a service. I think I mentioned last week that there had been smoke appearing from under the bonnet from time to time, but there's enough oil and enough coolant in the car, so I had no clue what the hell was going on.
So first thing this morning, I drove down to my mechanic, who is opposite our old supermarket, met Ma there, and we headed from there back to Norwood to do the shopping, then back to my place.
Ma needed to pick something up from IKEA for a Christmas present, so we headed down that way, just did the bottom floor (which they've finally opened up from the front of the store, so you can just go straight in that way, which is nice) and grabbed the things we needed. I got a call from my mechanic towards the end saying that the car was ready to be picked up, so we finished up and headed that way.
With a brief stop off in North Adelaide at Perryman's Bakery, because why not.
Turns out the car had a cracked gasket and was leeching a little bit of oil onto the engine block... so potentially not cataclysmic, but better to get it fixed than not. Plus it was due for a service anyway.
We came back here (in separate cars, obviously), had some lunch (the aforementioned Perryman's) and then Ma wanted to take a quick look around Burnside Village, so that killed about half an hour. And she got a fairly nice present for one of her friends, which pretty much finishes off her shopping I think.
And next week we have the Christmas goodies... which I am also not especially excited about, but we'll see what happens.
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