
photo saturday: nothing much

port adelaide: filthy gypsies and friendsport adelaide: chainlink fence

port adelaide: dudley depotport adelaide: the captain knows joshua
You know when people say "bit of a quiet week" or "nothing really happened"?

Yeah, quite literally nothing happened this week. I didn't leave the house at all between last Sunday afternoon and this morning. I spoke to one person. I had no DnD games.

I mean I made experimental sultana bread on Monday, made a giant quiche on Tuesday, but yeah, this week was a write off.

So... moving on.

Today was slightly more interesting.

We did the usual supermarket thing... I have no idea what I'm eating this week, but I got enough supplies that I should be able to make things up as I go. Especially given that it's supposed to be 40°C on Wednesday... urgh.

Afterwards we footled around here for a bit, then decided to head down to Marion... because it's November and really, we don't want to be going anywhere near Marion any later than this... in fact even this week was a little too close to Christmas honestly.

We didn't really get much of anything... but it filled in the day and we had a good long walk, so it's not the worst thing we've ever done.

Honestly, that's really it.

Current Mood:

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