
photo saturday: the details

rathman dots detail10tkl tentacles detail

siren mermaid detailface swirl
I'm going to file this week under "rollercoaster"... but like not a big scary one... like a little one, for babies.

Sunday was... actually Sunday was probably equal parts shithouse and adequate really.

Sunday was the Christmas tree at Ma's place.

My "fuck Christmas in it's facehole" mood continued from last Saturday into Sunday, which clearly wasn't the best way to approach the day. But thankfully we have a system. I can do a system all day long. Even, or perhaps especially, when I otherwise don't give a flying fuck.

christmas tree 2019
So, we did the tree.

I did the lights twice because I fucked them the first time. And like I said, if I have a system, I'm gunna do a system.

Ma wanted rainbow, so we did rainbow. On the plus side of Ma's new place, it looks a lot nicer and brighter sitting against the window like that.

On the negative side, it's fucking impossible to photograph effectively.

And it was possibly fortunate that we didn't find any of the good, plain glass ornaments this year, because we totally would have forgotten that we wanted pink ones for the top of the tree to replace the silver ones.

While I did add "box sass" once again this year, I did not remember to take photos of it.

Never mind, it'll still be there next year.

That was really it for Sunday. Which was more than enough, because my body has been sore all week from all the squatting, bending and holding of lights.

I also put together Ma's calendar this week. It's one of those things that once I start it just gets done, but I have to start it. And given that we really only did one photographic excursion all year, it's the Wonderwalls photos from Port Adelaide (see also the photos in this post).

ma's calendar 2020
In the context of the whole calendar, I quite like the June choice (since I always feature June here, seeing as it's Ma's birth month and this is her calendar), but it's perhaps not the most striking individual photo.

And of course, because I only print one of these things a year, the printer usually fucks me over at the beginning... but after much prodding, poking, swearing and changing absolutely NONE of the settings, I reprinted the cover and it worked perfectly fine. No idea why the first attempt was all fucked up. Just glad it was only the test print.

Just the one DnD game this week... because we put our Friday game off until Sunday this week because the DM was going to be away. But it was a small group, a good DM and a decent enough adventure (although one of those ones that WANT you to go into all the rooms, poke all the weird things, and get your ass kicked... but you absolutely don't HAVE to do any of it... which is how we ended up playing it for the most part... because decent adventurers would start to realise when a haunted house or a dungeon or whatever is just making things too fucking obvious or hard or unnecessary, right?)

But I did go and see one of the Wednesday night players on Wednesday night... because he's the one who got married, and I made him and his wife (wow, that's a sentence I just said) a thing, and I didn't want it just sitting on my kitchen table until January. They seemed to like it, or at least they were polite about it. But it was nice to see them outside of an "on the way to/at DnD" context. Even if we did end up talking about DnD.

Also it turns out that our Wednesday night DM has disappeared up his own ass because he's moving house. And while, yes, I totally understand, and it's one of the most stressful times in a person's life, and if this includes finding a new place to live, sure... but otherwise, yeah, you've just disappeared up your own ass again, haven't you sweety.


Thursday was tabletop/board game fortnight, which fortunately wasn't the six person extravaganza of previous fortnights... there were only 3 of us and we played a very chill game, Villagers. Whether it was chill because there were only 3 of us, or whether it was because it's just a more relaxed game (I think it's a column A, column B situation, honestly), I really like it.

And I won the second game, which was nice. Especially as I came third in the first game.

Today wasn't bad. I mean it was occasionally a hot mess, but it was okay.

Shopping was a "four bag" occasion... which means we've bought too much stuff, although I will say that most of it was probably from the fruit and veg section, so not the worst result.

And then Ma wanted to pick up a few last presents. Urgh. So we went to Kmart, and she got everything but, I think, two things. Not the worst shopping trip, but I do hate doing any kind of shopping in December. Then we needed to stop at Typo, but by the time we got into the city finding a park was going to be painful. Thankfully I remembered that there is a Typo in Norwood, so we abandoned the city and went there instead.

That did mean we had lunch at the always slightly disappointing Nordburger. I mean technically it's all fine. But there was too much syrup in the milkshake (which was otherwise really good) and the burger was acceptable, if a little bit overly saucy, but not otherwise outstanding.

M'eh really.

And that, boys and girls, was all she wrote (as they say).

Current Mood:

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