You know how often times you've come up with a plan, and that plan has a timeline and then the universe just says "hey, have these lemons".
That twisted, strung out metaphor is my week.
There was a single game of DnD this week. The "burnout/obstacle" situation moved itself forward. In truth it was always going to do that, I just didn't know/hadn't been paying attention to the timeline. So instead of getting to tell my players in person, I just sent them a text message. To which I got back very lovely message about how much they like (have liked?) having me as a DM, so that was nice.
Then Wednesday morning our evening DM bailed out due to surprise visiting parents and the having of dinner with same. Which is m'eh, but allowable I guess. It also made me think seriously about buying the table from IKEA... but more on that later.
Wednesday's day game basically took forever to get going (yeah, it's great and all that you want to fold the one new character in organically, but when we start 15 minutes late and then you somehow take about 20 minutes to do that, it's labouring things a little), then turned into one long battle/action scene on board a boat (which was amazing, given that it was a appropriately scaled boat made entirely out of Lego). Which is fine (battle-wise) but also often less fun.
I have half of a plan for how to deal with next week, given we're "supposed" to be in a stalemate with the captain of the boat... I doubt it will work (given the DM), but at least it's half a plan.
And Thursday, there just weren't any games I gave a shit about.
Cycling back to the beginning of the week, I remedied the issue of awful chowder from the previous week, I made my own, very good but entirely self invented chicken and sausage chowder... which was really nice.
Then, on Monday, it sounds so stupid to say, but since I was "suddenly" at a loose end on the first Monday night in a really long while (not counting Christmas and the bout of being sick a while back), I decided that instead of "frittering away" (there's going to be a lot of air quotes today, I can just feel it) the evening, I would actually sit down and give myself the evening. So I watched two movies, both with subtitles so I wouldn't be tempted to end up just "checking something on my laptop". And it was nice. I mean it wasn't anything special, but it was nice.
Tuesday I finally got the correct date and time and went up to see Tink to get my hair did. After an extra long interval since the last haircut, it felt pretty good to get all tidied up.
That was pretty much it for my week. I mean as far as things worth sharing. The week still continued.
Today was... simple?
I decided (pretty much this morning to be honest) to make chilli again this week. I wanted something as tasty as the chowder and as hearty but "opposite"... I dunno... the chowder is all white, chilli is all red... I know what I mean, but words are hard.
I also watched this really random video on YouTube this morning with this random woman making "no knead bread"... I don't know WHY YouTube decided to show it to me... I've never seen one of this woman's videos before, and it's not like I was looking for bread recipes online. But here we are. So I decided, fuck it, and bought some yeast, and I'm going to attempt to make bread some time this week. Because why not.
After shopping, we came back here and Ma wanted some "help" figuring out how to lay out the multicoloured squares she's been crocheting for a blanket (I don't know what or who the blanket is for to be honest... she may have mentioned it, but clearly it's not for me, so I wasn't paying attention), and she also showed me the start she'd made on my infinity scarf... which led to us spending, I dunno, about 45 minutes watching people "knitting in the round", or making tubular knitting with a pair of joined needles.
I'm not going to lie... knitting is one of those things that may as well be magic or rocket science as far as I'm concerned. I can see they doing it, I just don't understand how to make my brain and my fingers talk to each other in a way that results in knitting. And I've tried (not for a long, long time, but I did try) it's just one of those things that I can watch someone do all day long and my brain just does a Homer Simpson and walks backwards into a hedge.
After that, I'd already decided that I needed to get the IKEA table. Even if it only gets used once in a blue moon for now, I'd rather have it and not need it than not have it and wish that I did.
The downside? They only had three of the cheap-ass chairs left (I say cheap-ass, because they are, but I tried them out and they're not horrible, they're just not the most solidly built things ever), so we'll need to go back at the beginning of next month (I think that's what the very big, very pretty but slightly dopey IKEA boy I asked said). Oh, and I have to put them all together, which I don't mind honestly.
So now I own a table... like a proper, more than two person (four person) table. My life is weird.
And that was about it really. We did possibly one of the quickest IKEA walks ever, collected the table (2 parts), collected the chairs (3) and called it a day. Of course, every time I turn around in my lounge room and look towards the "kitchen" end of the room I freak out a little because there are big IKEA boxes (well, one very flat but large box, one very long but skinny box and three flattened chairs in plastic bags, but still) at the other end of the room.
It's definitely going to require some re-jigging of the layout of the room, but that's not a bad thing. And I just need to keep telling myself that about once an hour until after the re-jigging is done.
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