
photo saturday: port grey

port squareschrome rope

port paddlerport stripes
Well... this week was... a week.

The chicken soup for this week was okay... not my best work perhaps, but serviceable... and somehow where was a LOT of it, even relative to how much I usually make.

We'll put this week's DnD count at two and a half... there were the two usual Wednesday games (more on that in a sec), but also we had our session zero for the new Friday night game I'm playing with friends.

The Wednesday day game was average for what it was... but it ended up being one big long combat session, not particularly my favourite, because we all end up using up all of our resources and can't do anything at all afterwards. And also nothing but combat for four hours is actually pretty fucking boring.

The Wednesday night game was... hmmm... frustrating I guess. Someone who used to play with us but just stopped coming... twice... just decided to show up again. No dude, you left for like nine months, you don't get to come back and finish up the game with us... especially coming back with a third character. To be honest I wish that the DM had just told him no. The worst part was that his character kept mine alive through a big boss fight and I think we would all have been screwed without him. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I dislike him as a person, I just really don't want to play DnD with him. I can only hope he disappears again soon.

Then Friday was just pleasant... we were missing one person, but we started working out characters and storyline details and whatnot... and it was just pleasant... I made a really good loaf of bread with cranberries in it (with the correct amount of salt this time), which was amazing... plus I got cat cuddles.

We're doing a couple of weeks in a row, then going fortnightly, which should be good. I'm also playing my first bard, so that'll be something...

Otherwise not much of anything to report for the week.

Today was average... I decided I'm gunna try making lasagne this week. I mean I've done it before, but it sometimes has variable results. So we'll see. It's probably more about finding the correct container to put it in... which I'm not sure I have. We'll see.

Afterwards we headed into the city, did random wanderings with incidental shopping.

Yeah... not particularly exciting honestly.

Current Mood:

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