
photo saturday: beach metal

that's a fancy hat mr angel manyeah, that's totally what you think it is, only it's made of scrap metal and has a hinge in it...

spade or an upside down heart?whip it, whip it good
This week was less up and down...

Last Sunday's DnD game never happened. One of the players came down with a virus, so we called the game off. It did mean that I had a whole cranberry loaf to myself... so a little bit of a balance between good and bad to be honest.

Tuesday I booked our very meagre 2020 Fringe outing, then went and picked up the tickets after DnD on Wednesday.

Wednesday's day game started off a little rocky, especially as the module seemed to be written by someone who was aware of the beats an adventure should have, but hadn't bothered to really link the individual elements together. And was being pointlessly brutal for the sake of being brutal. Which I hate. But at a certain point, the DM decided to go "tense but silly" in the final second and we encountered a group of pirates that somehow ended up wearing red sequins and were mostly ridiculously dumb. But it still managed to have a sense of threat to it which was a good balancing act. I will also say that I'm glad I was playing my slightly impulsive bipedal cat man monk... because at a certain point I just went "fuck it" and did the potentially dumb but spectacular thing and it all worked out beautifully.

Which shows what a difference a good DM can make.

Thursday I went to get Ma's calendar bound... by which I mean I dropped it off to be done, and picked it up the following day. More on that in a second.

I got home to discover that my request for the landlord/strata to deal with the possums that keeps divebombing onto the roof finally had a result, and the tree loppers had turned up to do their thing. Cue the remainder of the day filled with varying volumes of mini chainsaw and then mulcher. They totally went to town on all the trees/plants in the driveway, however didn't touch one of the trees around the back where I know the possums previously used for roof access. I may need to log that as a job later on.

Friday morning I headed back to Officeworks. Now, I've had calendars bound in October, November and December. October is best because everyone isn't trying to get Christmas presents done. December is worst because Christmas. And they never put enough staff on in the Print and Copy Shop. And there was a line full of people. Actually there were two lines, one for pick up and one for drop-off, which is probably really frustrating when the staff end up spending a lot of time with one particular customer and so the drop-off line doesn't really move. Thankfully I was in the other line.

But I was more concerned about whether or not they had done the binding properly (which they had), so I didn't notice until I got home that while the binding was great, they hadn't bothered to add the clear front cover or the back card cover. Thankfully they also hadn't charged me for them, even though they were right there in the job order.

Not Happy Jan.

Yes, I could have gone back and got it fixed, but that's not the point. And yes, this is only the second time they've actually screwed it up. But, it's a very weird error to make, and one they shouldn't have made.

Then last night we were back to our regularly scheduled Friday night DnD game. Yay.

Sometimes in DnD games there are moments where all the stars align between DM and player and the player sets up a moment that you as the DM can then run away with. We had at two of those with two different players last night. Also, we split the party because we're idiots.

And now everything in-game is starting to fall apart... also known as "the plot". Always good.

Also, brief aside, I made what I am referring to as Christmas Bread... bread with cranberries and sultanas and dried apple and pistachios and cinnamon and nutmeg. Pretty good, honestly... the mix was a little dry, which leads to a much harder crust I think, but overall, pretty good.

Today was... actually today was exactly what it said on the tin... a week and a half before Christmas and the Saturday before I go down to Ma's and make Christmas goodies.

So we bought (allegedly) all the ingredients (which turned out not to be the case because Ma thought we were making one recipe when we only ever made that once because it was a bit m'eh). And some of the other pre-Christmas food stuff.

Then we came back here, unpacked and generally fluffed about, before heading off to Target for a couple of items. Which honestly was a lot less painful than the shopping trip from last week.

And that was that.

Current Mood:

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