
saturday with hair, art, shoes and eggnog

busy, busy mouseI've been a very, very busy mouse today... in fact we were on the go from 8 until nearly 5... and I was up at around 6:30... so a very big day indeed!

There's been hair colour... and artwork... and sneakers... and eggnog... and Christmas carols... (oh my!)

First up on the cards, after the "this was my week" round-up Ma and I tend to do in the car on the way to the supermarket, was, unsurprisingly, Supermarket Safari.

And like the last few weeks I really only needed the fresh stuff... I have a cupboard full of various tins and jars and packets, which I'm not really using. On the plus side, it speeds up the shopping.

I am a little irritated with myself that I forgot to pick up an iTunes card at Target since they're on special at the moment (2 x $20 for $30)... so I'll either have to do that during the week or maybe make a special trip tomorrow.

dual haircutAnyway, after the usual shopping and unpacking and whatnot, we headed into town for our back-to-back haircuts. Ma's regular haircutting homosexual is throttling back his hours, so I suggested that she come and see Tink with me, since I've been threatening to drag her along for a while now.

And since I had my hair coloured as well as cut it all worked out nicely, Ma got to have a wander for about an hour while Tink dealt with me, then while my hair colour was "cooking", she cut Ma's hair.

With my hair we went back to short... different to previous short (although leaning somewhat more towards the spiky although I think it should be adaptable), but still short... so short in fact that I'm currently suffering from acute "short haired back of head coldness" (thank all the appropriate deities for scarves). We also throttled back on the colour again, still dark, but a step lighter than last time.

Tink did a decent job with Ma's hair too... but like with all haircuts, it's not so much the way it looks right after it's been cut, it's how it wears when you have to style it yourself.

And speaking of hair... there were a number of people in town with hair of unnatural hue or styling on their way to AVCon... we really need to go and take a look at that next year and see all the weirdos cosplayers and whatever else it is they have.

waterhouse natural history art prize 2010After our haircuts we heading off to the Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize exhibition at the Museum...

I'm not sure whether it's just because this is our fourth time going to the exhibition, and we're getting used to the quality of the works, but I think there have been better years.

But this year there were some clear favourites... and interestingly, both of the ones I really liked featured cephalopods... The one I picked for the People's Choice prize, Dave Clarke's Nautilus (at the top of the image on the right) and Silvio Apponyi's Squid (which isn't in the image), both of whom are South Australian. However, the piece that Ma picked, Sushi or Not Sushi (at the bottom of the image) is also by Silvio, a fact I only just realised!

I very much found myself being drawn to the monochromatic works this year... lino prints, the middle piece in the image (Parallel Universes)... that kind of thing... although I do love me some copper...

asics gel-1150Next up was lunch (a perfectly adequate steak sandwich) and a bit of a wander up and down the Mall (complete with a stop off at Smiggle and Haighs... which, of course, are at opposite ends of the Mall) we headed off to Athlete's Foot so I could purchase new sneakers for my daily walk...

My old ones finally gave up the ghost this week, they've been on the way out for a while now, but I finally wore the soles all the way through... and they were taking on water for a couple of days there.

After trying on a couple of pairs and finding that they didn't have my size in a couple of pairs that I would have liked to try on, I decided on the Asics Gel-1150's (very springy in the steppage)... now they're supposed to be the same model as the ones in the photo, but mine are red, not yellow (which is kind of a shame, because the yellow ones are kinda cool and would match my iPhone cover *grin*), and have red in a couple of different places.

Essentially they're very "look at me Kimmy, look at me, look at me"... and I will definitely have to only wear them for the walking...

I will (once again) lament the fact that they never seem to have the attractive looking shoes in either my size or the right width or whatever... and they all look like they've all been designed by hyperactive 10 year olds... but they'll do the job.

Then we headed back to the car and took off for our final destination...

format xmas in julyThe Format Christmas in July Market! Jingle bells and all that...

We got there just in time for the carol singing... oh lordy, the carol singing... shall we just say "occasionally off key but enthusiastic". We retreated from the singing downstairs to look at the few stalls they had...

The first stall was staffed by the same guy I bought the dragonfly brooch from at the Zine Fair in March, and he had more colourful wire stuff (oooh... wire elephant!) as well as some really great "imagined cityscapes", which I couldn't resist, especially after he knocked $5 off the price (bargain!), so I bought one. Because you gotta support local artists!

The next stall was occupied by the girl who ran the Radical Crafternoon from April (all my Format chickens coming home to roost really!), and I bought another cross stitch kit and some lime curd (mmmm curd)... I did have to stop myself from wanting to buy something from just about every stall we looked at though... I think buying the artwork right off the bat helped.

After we'd done the rounds downstairs we went upstairs to listen to the end of the carol singing... and I got some eggnog... which was pretty much lethal. I don't know what kinda booze was in there... or how much (I'm guessing "a lot")... but I know that I couldn't finish it... whooo-nelly!

But it was a fun end to the afternoon... even if I do feel like I need another Saturday to recover from the Saturday I just had...

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