
stuff ups with jetty

jetty road red jettySeriously... I'm tired of my life... okay, maybe not my life... maybe just my apartment.

Thanks to the wind yesterday, my hot water got knocked out... and I didn't think there was any point to relighting it before I went to the movies, or even after I got back, since it was still windy... so I figured I'd leave it until this morning and try it then. And that would have been fine, I chose to sleep in and had all this time... but left it to the last minute and it started to bucket down with rain as soon as I put my shoes on to go outside. And since I had very little time I ended up washing my hair in the sink and didn't have a shower. Which essentially is just gross.

It's the easiest way in all of the world to make me revert to a primitive state of being... deny me access to hot water. I don't cope well.

Then I got to work and the Twitter app on my iPhone stopped working, and both the mail servers and internet were down. Denying me access to the internet on top of hot water is just cruel and unusual punishment.

I do find myself wondering about karma in these situations... maybe all my muttering and sighing and teeth grinding at the general stupidity of humanity comes back to roost and result in all this crap. But then that's a whole repeating cycle...

And once things start to go awry, they just seem to snowball and everything feels like it's screwed up...

That just points to the Universe having a cruel and unusual sense of humour though...

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