
just another saturday

grey hoodiePffft... a bit of a wasted day really... well, not totally... but it could have been better.

Because the plumber was coming at 10am we didn't waste any time and headed off to do the supermarket thing. But I still had a ton of stuff left over from this week, and we didn't need to go across the road for our Iced Coffee fix, so it was a short trip...

But that meant that we got back to my place at around 8:45... which has to be some kind of record... but also meant we had to kill an hour and a quarter waiting for the plumber.

And as is the way of tradesmen everywhere... 10am came... 10:15 came... then suddenly I heard the "click click click" of someone trying to light the pilot light...

Sure Mr Plumber Man... just go right ahead and relight the water heater before you come and talk to me... which really does prove that I don't need to be home for them to relight it... it's just the checking it worked part I need to be involved in.

I am currently suffering from random paranoia that it has stayed lit all day... but I may go and have a shower shortly, just because...

As I predicted, it only took him about two minutes to fix it, but at least I made people aware of the problem... although part of me wants to take to the thing with a sledgehammer so they have to replace it.

Anyway, once he was gone we headed down to Arndale for general "looking at things"... which then turned into "buying clothes", or more specifically for me, buying more Bonds hoodies and another pair of Bonds trackpants.

Then we headed down to West Lakes, again for general "looking at things"... all I ended up getting from there was a little chicken mini-roast thing to have tomorrow (as well as some kipfler potatoes and tomatoes on the vine)... and after getting some lunch we headed back here...

In general, a very m'eh kind of day really...

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go hit the shower...

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