The general weirdness came from the wind though... boy has there been wind. And as I've been expecting every since I saw the forecast of wind earlier in the week, the pilot light on my hot water heater got knocked out at some point between about 8pm last night and 6am this morning... but given how windy it was when I got up I couldn't see the point in relighting it, since I'm sure I would just have had to do it again (and it seems like I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow morning... the wind was supposed to ease around lunchtime, but I don't think it did particularly)... so I resorted to the old standby of the Bucket Bath.
And I was highly disturbed to realise that I actually have it down to a science now (as in how much water to add and how to organise everything...
I dragged my alternately freezing and steaming self out of the bathroom, got rugged up nice and warm and sorted myself out... then around the time when I was trying to work out if there was any point in grabbing my book, Ma arrived.
The Supermarket Safari was about average... although I couldn't find some of the fresh stuff I wanted... so that'll require a trip to the Central Market some time this week I think.
Given the weather, our chosen destination was Marion... not with any particular plan in mind, just somewhere appropriately warm.
We did the usual wander around, picked up a few bits and pieces, then attempted to hit the food court to grab something to eat. I say attempted, because between the fact that neither of us knew what we wanted, didn't want very much and that people never look where they're going... as well as food court food always looking better (for the most part) than it inevitably ends up tasting... we didn't make a decision, so I threw in the towel and we didn't bother.
And because Ma had another social engagement to go to this afternoon, we pretty much left it at that.
So not a particularly thrilling day... but passable...
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