
i love the rain

Rain Makes You Happy

You tend to move slowly, but you still get a lot done. You are steady.

You are down to earth and practical. You like to live an ordered and organized life.

You are naturally content and happy. You can adapt to your environment easily.

You prefer to be around a wide variety of people. You believe that you learn a little something from everyone.

You find peace when you are able to escape a little. Getting outside of yourself helps you find perspective.

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rain Makes Me Happy Too

I tend to move slowly, but I still get a lot done. I am steady.

I am down to earth and practical. I like to live an ordered and organized life.

I am well prepared for anything life throws at me. I keep my expectations low.

I prefer to be around people who are familiar and trusted. My best friends are my oldest friends.

I find peace when I'm with my friends. My friends support me and calm me.
