It's been a funny old day... funny old week really...
- H-San decided for some reason this morning after I asked him how he was that he wasn't going to talk... I have no idea what the hell that was about... but he kept it up until about 11am...
- It seems that often when I call the Land Agent about getting a plumber out, they always claim that "he was just out there this morning"... which doesn't help anyone really... but they're supposed to be sending the Plumber's Assistant out tomorrow... which is helpful...
- I'm always incredibly suspicious when guys I consider to be incredibly hot start a conversation with me on gay "dating" sites... I never expect the conversations to last long... and even when they do last, I never expect anything to come of them... or I expect the dude to turn out to be defective... sad really, or perhaps it's just the voice of experience...
- Rather unexpectedly got a bit teary on the way to work yesterday while listening to Pogo's Toy Story remix... I think it was just associated stress from my water heater dramas amongst other things coupled with the memory of Toy Story 3... but it was very strange...
- I wrote out my packing list for Melbourne last night... it doesn't seem to matter how long we go away for, my list of things to pack seems to get longer each time...
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