
ethnic details

asian brass detailred lace detailThe photos are just some things that I pulled out of the folder... some sort of brass Asian animal (lion? dragon?) detail and part of a cool red "lacework" Middle Eastern monument in one of the squares in town...

You know... there's really, really nothing going on with me right at the moment... so I'm going to ramble about the world of pop culture for a bit...

I've started rewatching The West Wing again... damn I love that show. Which is odd because when it first came out I rolled my eyes and didn't want to know anything about another jingoistic American series that was the US patting itself on it's back. Of course that was before I saw it... and then bought all the seasons on DVD... love, love, love, love...

I have the teevee on in the other room and Network Ten keeps playing Hungry Jacks ads for their new "Dark Whopper"... which they're bringing out because of The Dark Knight movie (don't even get me started about the appropriateness of marketing a movie like that to children with kid's meals, toys and whatnot, that's a whole other conversation). Except I've heard the same ad about ten times now, and not once have they actually told me WHY it's a "dark" Whopper... I mean it's not on a black bun (also, gross), it just looks like a regular crappy Whopper... stupid Hungry Jacks...

Big Brother is finally over... and as I promised, I didn't watch a single episode, not even the finale... and I'm actually kinda pleased that it's all over, not just the season, but the whole show. They'd completely screwed it over this season, and there really wasn't any coming back from that, so it's good they just let it die. The fact that Channel Nine has potentially picked it up for next year is a little worrying... they don't have anything similar, they haven't really run anything similar, Ten is the one that has all the big, long-term reality shows, so Nine could screw it up before they even start. Although I heard an idea on the radio this morning that was actually somewhat appealing... the rumour is that they're thinking about filling the Nine version of the house with thirty-somethings. Which could actually work... dammit...

And now that BB is over, we have the US versions of So You Think You Can Dance and America's Next Top Model filling in those spots (I only heard about ANTM tonight while I was typing this up in fact)... so basically that's a big fat double WOOHOO there... at least once they get past all the audition phase, I don't wanna see that, just start it when you have the final crew thank you!

Ian Thorpe showed up on Rove on Sunday night... I've said it before, and I'll say it again... SO! VERY! GAY! He can deny it until the cows come home, but you know that they say about walking and quacking ducks... yeah, big gay duck... I just wish he'd come out already...

So, yes... nothing of substance, just some abstract rambling...

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Anonymous said...

Aint that funny.... Just today I was wondering about the Dark Whopper and Ian Thorpe on Rove. I was reading an article online about his "new love" and how "she lives on the other side of the world". Hmmmm and her name is Roger????

Oh, also I Googled Dark Whopper and it appears it might be pepperjack cheese and a different pepper/grill sauce.

yani said...

Yeah, I read something similar about Thorpe's "love interest"... although in that article it said "they live on the other side of the world"... which as every homo knows is secret code for "I'm a big homo and I'm dating a dude"... whether that was a quote or just the reporter putting his/her own agenda forward, I have no idea.

And the Dark Whopper can kiss my butt ;)

Anonymous said...

Gosh, all that talk of butt kissing has got me all worked up... Phew! Anyway, for clarity, I found out it's just a normal whopper with a smokey bbq sauce. And FMD the cheese is just regular cheese. And it's optional. Purleese. I say bring back the Yumbo and the Swiss Mushroom Burger. But then again, I think about these things too much. Thank you for listening. And thank you for entertaining me.

yani said...

Yes, well, I hate Hungry Jacks at the best of times (and the whole thought of the Swiss Mushroom burger makes me a little nauseous)... glad I'm entertaining though ;)