I don't have an overly large amount to add... we went, we did pretty much what we do every week, I bought (with some small variations) pretty much what I buy every week, we came home, I unpacked it all...
Blah, blah, blah...
Then we ended up going into the city again... I wanted another book (although it only took two stores before I found it this time) and we browsed very briefly to see if there were any cheap sneakers for me (short version, no).
We then wandered about a bit (again), went and got something to drink so we could figure out our next move (again)... although this time we ended up in the Gloria Jeans in Borders instead of at Starbucks.
Eventually we decided to head over to the Art Gallery to see Empires & Splendour: The David Roche Collection exhibition...
For more than forty years, Adelaide collector and Art Gallery benefactor, David Roche has been developing an outstanding, internationally important private collection of eighteenth and nineteenth century French, Russian, German and British decorative arts. Exquisite porcelain, metalware, furniture and other luxury objects, by manufacturers Meissen, Chelsea, Gardner, Bullock, Faberge and more, will go on show for the first time publicly in this special exhibition. The full extent of treasures in this remarkable collection will also be revealed through an accompanying exhibition book, which will be lavishly illustrated.It wasn't actually that big of an exhibition... and after seeing it I can state a couple of things with a fair degree of certainty... if David isn't a big 'mo, then he should be... and I'm not sure it was worth the $10 admission...
Interesting though... and there were a number of items that I really liked... the leopard print chair for one... and the Bacchus table that's kind of the centerpoint of the exhibition (it's on the cover of the book and they had a huge blown up version of it on the wall as you went in)... so much so that I bought a postcard with it on. No idea what the hell I'm going to do with it, but still.
And that was about it really... we did make a brief side trip to Orificeworks so that I could ask whether then had a large format copier (like a plan or map copier, whatever they're called)... alas, no... so I don't know what I'm going to do with my Spirit Guide portrait...
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